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Angioid Streaks
- Linear cracks in a thickened Bruch's membrane.
- Occurs bilaterally, but asymmetric
Clinical Features
- Symptoms: usually asymptomatic, but may affect vision over time due to progression of streaks towards the fovea
- Signs:
- Irregular, spokelike, curvilinear or jagged streaks that radiate outward from the peripapillary area towards the peripheral fundus or can be concentric to the optic disc
- Near the optic disc, they may be interconnected by circular breaks
- Color varies from reddish orange to dark brown, or appear grayish if fibrovascular tissue is present
- Associated funduscopic findings may include:
- Peau d'orange (orange skin) pattern of diffuse mottling of the pigment epithelium in the temporal midperiphery
- Peripheral subretinal crystalline bodies
- Focal atrophic spots
- Optic nerve drusen
- Fluorescein angiographic findings:
- Irregular hyperfluorescence of the streaks during early phases and late staining
- Can be seen as hypofluorescence of the streaks outlined by hyperfluorescence margins, which stain in the late phases
- Some clinically invisible streaks may be observed during fluorescein angiography
- Most common associated systemic conditions:
- Idiopathic
- Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE)
- Paget's disease
- Sickle cell disease
- Ehler's- Danlos Syndrome
- Choroidal neovascularization
- High risk of severe subretinal hemorrhages due to rupture of the Bruch's membrane following a relatively mild ocular injury
- Management: laser photocoagulation in selected cases of choroidal neovascularization, but the recurrence rate is high.
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