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Choroidal Nevus
- Benign choroidal developmental tumors that composed of melanocytes.
Clinical Features
- Dark gray - brownish pigmented, flat or minimally elevated lesion with slightly well demarcated margin, which size is mostly not greater than a disc diameter
- Commonly associated with overlying Bruch's membrane changes, drusen depositions, RPE clumping or migration, serous detachment of the sensory retina or the RPE
- Geographic patches of orange pigment may overlie the nevi, but may also be an early sign of a malignant transformation of the lesion
- May be surrounded by a yellowish ring (halo nevus)
- Choroidal neovascularization membrane associated with exudation or hemorrhage may develop.
Fluorescein Angiography
- Angiographic features will vary depend on the degree of pigmentation
- Deeply pigmented nevi will be relatively hypofluorescent, while less pigmented are tend to be hyperfluorescent
- When the nevi encroaches or replaces part of the choriocapillaris, the lesions may appear hypofluorescence
- Thicker nevi with overlying drusen will be hyperfluorescent
- Deep-setting nevi that spare choriocapillaris will give relatively normal fluorescent
- A-scan may have some value in diagnosing elevated lesions.
- Ophthalmic examination follow-up with serial fundus photography, ultrasonography or fluorescein angiography.
- Photocoagulation when choroidal neovascularization developed.
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