Plagiarism and Misrepresentation
Honesty, integrity and accuracy are essential for patient safety, public trust and the development of the doctor-patient alliance in which honesty and trust are a cornerstone. Plagiarism and misrepresentation rightfully erode the trust of patients in their doctors and of society in our profession. These practices also have the potenial to harm patients by introducing errors into clinical work.
Accreditation Standards
LCME Accreditation Standard: 3.5 Learning Environment/Professionalism
A medical school ensures that the learning environment of its medical education program is conducive to the ongoing development of explicit and appropriate professional behaviors in its medical students, faculty, and staff at all locations and is one in which all individuals are treated with respect.
Students, Staff and Faculty
Definitions of Academic Violations are listed at Columbia Center for Student Success and Intervention (CSSI).
Honesty, integrity and accuracy are essential for patient safety, public trust and the development of the doctor-patient alliance in which honesty and trust are a cornerstone. Plagiarism and misrepresentation rightfully erode the trust of patients in their doctors and of society in our profession. These practices also have the potential to harm patients by introducing errors into clinical work.
As delineated in the CUIMC Cares | Columbia University Irving Medical Center code of values, Standards for Professionalism for VP&S Students the VP&S Honor Code, and the Standards of Discipline, students are expected to demonstrate honesty and integrity in all aspects of their education and in their interactions with patients, staff, faculty and colleagues. They may not cheat, plagiarize, use unauthorized materials, misrepresent their work, paraphrase an author’s ideas or work without proper citation, falsify data or assist others in the commission of these acts. Students must assure the accuracy and completeness of their part of the medical record. Student work should be original and may not be copied and pasted without attribution. This applies to admission notes, progress notes, discharge summaries, written papers, scholarly work and personal statements for residency.
Absent a clear statement from a course instructor granting permission, the use of Generative AI tools to complete an assignment or exam is prohibited. The unauthorized use of AI shall be treated similarly to unauthorized assistance and/or plagiarism.
If allowed, when using AI, students are encouraged to discuss expectations with instructors and ensure that any use of generative AI in their work is clearly cited. VPS students are expected to comply with the University Generative AI policy.
Procedures: Instances of plagiarism and misrepresentation are subject to the Honor Code (as applicable), Dean’s Discipline, and the Academic Infraction Policies.