Student Email Communication Policy


Email is an official VP&S means of communication with students.

Accreditation Standards

LCME Accreditation Standard: 3.5 Learning Environment/Professionalism

A medical school ensures that the learning environment of its medical education program is conducive to the ongoing development of explicit and appropriate professional behaviors in its medical students, faculty, and staff at all locations and is one in which all individuals are treated with respect.


Students, Staff and Faculty


An official Columbia University email address is required for all students. The University has the right to send official communications to the University email address, which is based upon the University Network ID (UNI) assigned to the student.

The University expects that every student will use their Columbia University email account for all communications with University faculty and staff and will read email on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay informed. Students are responsible for promptly receiving and reading University communications, ensuring they stay informed and compliant with the content provided. This is an important facet of professionalism. A student's failure to receive and read University communications in a timely manner does not absolve that student from knowing and complying with the content of such communications.

All use of email will be consistent with other Columbia University policies including the Acceptable Use Policy.