Centers and Institutes
Our Centers and Institutes serve as a model of collaboration and cooperation across VP&S. By working together and leveraging the unmatched experience and skills of our clinicians and researchers, we are advancing medical science and leading the way towards the innovative treatments and cures of tomorrow.
- AI Initiative at VP&S
- Center of Excellence for Alzheimer’s Disease
- Center for Family and Community Medicine
- Center for Patient Safety Science
- Center for Radiological Research
- Center for the Transition to Parenthood
- Center for Translational Neuroscience Initiative
- Clyde and Helen Wu Center for Molecular Cardiology
- Columbia Center for Translational Immunology
- Columbia Stem Cell Initiative
- Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center
- Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Institute for Cancer Genetics
- Institute for Genomic Medicine
- Institute of Comparative Medicine
- Institute of Human Nutrition
- Irving Institute for Clinical and Translational Research
- Kavli Institute for Brain Science
- Motor Neuron Center
- Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center
- Stavros Niarchos Foundation Center for Precision Psychiatry & Mental Health
- Taub Institute for Research on Alzheimer’s Disease and the Aging Brain
- The Wu Family China Center for Health Initiatives