The Center for the Transition to Parenthood

CUIMC OB-GYN Provider speaks with pregnant patient during office visit.

Center for the Transition to Parenthood

The Center for the Transition to Parenthood (CTtP) at Columbia University Irving Medical Center is dedicated to re-imagining the perinatal care experience by addressing the mental wellness of birthing individuals and co-parents and improving infant health. With our innovative contributions to scientific knowledge, CTtP strives to make a lasting positive impact on families' health across two-generations.

Putting Research Into Practice

Woman smiles at baby, pressing heads together as she hold them. The words "putting research into practice" appear over the image.

Listen in — Presentations from CTtP

Catherine Monk giving a speech at the American Hospital of Paris.

"Parenting begins before birth.”                                                                        

Dr. Catherine Monk
Dr. Elizabeth Werner demonstrating a swaddling technique

“Accessible prevention will not only improve parent’s lives but also the lives of future generations.”

Dr. Elizabeth Werner

Shaping a Future Where Every Family Thrives

Two women kiss while one woman holds their baby. The worlds "shaping a future where every family thrives." appears over the image.where e

Discover Dr. Liz Werner's work with Pregnancy+

“Working with Pregnancy+ is very exciting because I am able to share important information about the transition to parenthood with people around the globe.” Dr. Elizabeth Werner

See What’s Out There for Parents To Be

Two parents cup their hands together to hold their newborn baby's feet