
Class of 2024

Eden Brush Assessing Patient Communication Preferences for Reclassified Variants of Uncertain Clinical Significance in a General Genetics Clinic - NSGC Pediatric/Clinical Genetics Research Grant Award
Hannah Gadasi Assessing Needs and Current Services for Patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa During an Ophthalmologic Genetics Appointment
Kathleen Garvey Evaluating Efficacy of Mainstreaming Genetic Testing for Patients with Adenocarcinoma
Maylie Gonzales Exploring Concordance of Patient Preferences on Carrier Screening Reporting and Disease Severity Ranking with Clinical Guidelines - NSGC ART/Infertility Research Grant Award
Kristen Kelly Genome Sequencing for All Pregnant Persons: Navigating the Next Frontier in Prenatal Diagnosis Through Patient Reflections
Allie Kriesberg Patient-Perceived Utility of Genomic Services in the Setting of Kidney Disease - NSGC Renal Research Grant Award
Noelle Lynch Pharmacogenomics in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: An Exome Sequencing Study
Sophie Melly Barriers to the Implementation of Epilepsy Genetic Testing and Counseling Guidelines - NSGC Neurogenetics Research Grant Award
Mythili Merchant Exploring Barriers and Facilitators to Genetic Testing in a Nephrogenetics Clinic
Traevia Morris Exploring the Impact of Asking about Race, Ethnicity, and Ancentry on Patients During Pedigree Construction - JEMF Student Research Grant Award
Mary Nieh Determining Sociodemographic Differences Between Inpatient and Outpatient Pediatric Genetics Patient Populations - NSGC Inpatient Research Grant Award
Kenzie Wood Transcreation of a Survey to Measure Outcomes of Genetic Counseling in Puerto Rico


Class of 2023

Alaina Acchione Barriers to Hereditary Cancer Management After a Positive Genetic Test Result
Sara Acosta Villarreal Assessing Barriers in Recontacting Biobank Kidney Participants and Exploring Attitudes to the Return of Research-Based Genetic Results
Nanzeeba Ahmad Admission Committee Perspectives on Emerging Carrer Shadowing Modalities in Genetic Counseling - NSGC Student/New Member SIG Research Grant Award
Claudia Borodziuk Inclusive Genetic Counseling for LGBTQ+ Clients: Experiences and Perspectives of Reproductive Genetic Counselors - JEMF Student Research Grant Award; NSGC ART/Infertility Research Grant Award
Amanda Chan Piloting an Educational Modelon Consenting for Exome Sequencing Among Non-Genetics Physicians at a Medical Institution
Carlos Dominguez Gonzalez Stakeholder Engagement and Interest in the Expansion of Genetic Services in Puerto Rico
Andrew Freiman Exploring the Evolving Roles of Clinical Geneticists and Genetic Counselors in the Era of Genomic MedicineNSGC Pediatric/Clinical Genetics Research Grant Award
Anna Gao Exploring Diagnostic Labels in the Cerebral Palsy Community
Courtney Gwynne Examining the Impact of Predictive Cardiogenetic Test Results on Adult Sibling Relationship Quality
Emma Mizrahi-Powell Understanding the Diagnostic Odyssey of Patients with Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome - NSGC Pediatric/Clinical Genetics Research Grant Award
Cara Waterson Genetic Testing for Pancreatic Cancer Patients through Oncologist-Mediated Testing and Traditional Models
Samson Yuan Classifying UMOD and HNF1B Rare Variants in the eMERGE III Consotrium Using Modifications to the ACMG/AMP Variant Interpretation Guidelines


Class of 2022 

Carina Bertolini Exploring Modifiers of the Genetic Testing and Counseling Process in the ALS Families Cohort
Aimiel Casillan Participant-Guided Development of Bilingual Genomic Educational Infographics for eMERGE IV
Chloe Cheung Assessing Management Practices for Variants of Uncertain Significance Among Genetic Counseling in Pediatrics
Mary Egan Clark O Brother! Effects of Concordant and Discordant Predictive Cardiogenetic Test Results on Adolescent Sibling Relationships - NSGC Cardiovascular Genetics SIG Research Grant Award
Nicky Delva Community-Based Development and Implementation of a Community Genetics Education Model
Jennah Foltz Exploring the Role of Genetic Counselors in the Emerging Field of ImmunogeneticsJEMF Student Research Grant Award
Jordana Graifman Clinical Utility of Genomic Testing in a Pediatric Epilepsy Cohort
Felicia Russo Population Genetic Screening: The Impact of Educational Materials on Individuals' Reactions to their Neagtive Result
Dani Temares Exploring Genotype-Positive Patient Experiences with Remote Cardiogenetic Counseling and Testing
Shannon Trujillo Exploring Differences Between Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Participants in the Epilepsy and Genetics Lived Experience (EAGLE) Study
Gabrielle Vincent The Impact of Health Insurance on Patient Care in the Setting of Prenatal Carrier Screening
Becca Waggoner Investigating the Utility of Limited Spanish Proficiency in Interpreted Genetic Counseling Sessions
Anna Xue Accuracy of Parentally-Reported Medical History for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders


Class of 2021

Aimee Allworth The Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Cascade Genetic Testing
Gauri Anand Parents’ Conceptualization of Gender after Prenatal Sex Determination Using NIPT or Ultrasound
Dana Becker Size of Omphalocele as a Predictor of Genetic Disease
Anna Karlsen Impact of Receipt of Genetic Research Results Related to an Autism Diagnosis on Parents’ Identity
Denise Ma Assessment of Healthcare and Non-Healthcare Providers’ Practices on Educating Families about the Genetics of Autism
Bree Martin Comparing the Frequency of Variants of Unknown Significance (VUS) between Ethnic Groups in an Epilepsy Cohort
Cecilia Miguel Receiving Cancer Susceptibility Genetic Testing Results: Desires of Mothers and their Adolescent Daughters
Maya Rawal Predictive Neurodegenerative Testing in the Prenatal Setting
Connolly Steigerwald Psychological Impact of Pre-Symptomatic Genetic Testing on Individuals at Risk for Developing Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Alexandra Tinfow What's Next? Practices around Follow-Up for Clients Receiving a Positive or Inconclusive NIPT Result During Pregnancy
Sarah Wang Creating a Framework for Implementation of Genetic Counseling Services within Free Clinics