Pre-GC Series

Are you interested in learning more about who genetic counselors are and what they do? Join us for our Pre-GC Series. Events in our 2024 Series are listed below, all times are Eastern.

Meet our Pre-GC Coordinator

Nora Nesheiwat headshot

Hi there! I’m Nora Nesheiwat, the Pre-GC Coordinator and a genetic counselor here at Columbia University. My journey towards becoming a genetic counselor began as an undergraduate student when I was introduced to the field in a human genetics course. From that point on, I actively pursued opportunities to delve deeper, a significant component in the application process for prospective GC students. Through these experiences, my passion for this career path flourished and I love the work I do. I am enthusiastic about sharing insights into the role of genetic counselors and assisting others in understanding this profession better. I invite you to join us in this series and encourage you to reach out if you wish to explore this field further.

Contact Nora at with any questions about our Pre-GC Series.


image of a webinar



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Genetic Counselors, the Future of Genomic Medicine

Join us to discover who genetic counselors are and what they do. This webinar provides an overview of the profession of genetic counseling, including example clinical cases, various career paths, and next steps to prepare for graduate school.

  • Thursday, May 23 at 7pm   
  • Tuesday, July 30 at 8pm 
  • Wednesday, December 4 at 8pm


Financing a Genetic Counseling Graduate Degree

Join us to learn more about resources to assist you in successfully financing a graduate education in genetic counseling. This webinar provides an overview of anticipated financial costs of completing a graduate degree, including opportunities for scholarships and work-study, and planning ahead for loan repayment.

  • Monday, June 17 at 8pm
  • Wednesday, September 10 at 8pm




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Gain hands-on experience of the clinical work done by genetic counselors. This in-depth exploration of the profession is essential prior to applying to graduate school. We realize that access to shadowing and genetic counseling internships may be limited and have developed the Experiential Practicum to assist prospective students in gaining meaningful exposure to the practice and art of genetic counseling.

Those accepted into the Practicum will engage online/remotely with our genetic counselor faculty, observing and debriefing about client sessions in various specialty clinics, including:

  • Reproductive genetics
  • General/pediatric genetics
  • Cancer genetics
  • Neurogenetics

Practicum participants will also have the opportunity to attend an interdisciplinary genetics meeting on our campus (remotely) and participate in a journal club focused on the clinical specifics of genetic counseling and work with clients.

Applications for the Fall 2024 Practicum are now open and are due on 6 September 2024. Contact us at to request information about the upcoming cycle and to receive an application. 


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Want to learn more about how genetics and genomics are being incorporated across medicine to improve care and outcomes for patients? Enroll in our Genetic & Genomic Assistantship.

Interested in considering Columbia for your GC graduate education? Attend a variety of prospective student events, including webinars, open houses, and application workshops.