Process and Timeline


Mark your calendar with these important dates to complete the application process:

Application Opens: September 2024

NMS Match Fee Waiver Closes (see below for more information): October 4, 2024

Application Fee Waiver Closes: December 4, 2024

Applications Due: January 6, 2025

Interview Invitations Extended: early February 2025

Interviews: February-March 2025

Match Day: April 16, 2025

Application Fee

A nonrefundable fee of $100 is required upon application submission. A fee waiver is available for qualifying applicants, contact us to learn more. 

Registering for the Match

We participate in the Genetic Counseling Admissions Match through National Matching Services (NMS). The Match was established to place applicants in positions at masters-level genetic counseling programs that are accredited by the Accreditation Council for Genetic Counseling (ACGC). The Match uses a process that takes into account both applicants’ and programs’ preferences.

Please visit the NMS website to register for the Match, review detailed information about the matching process, and view a demonstration of how the matching algorithm works. All applicants must first register for the Match with NMS before applying to participating genetic counseling graduate programs. There is a Match registration fee of $100. Fee waivers are available, visit the NMS website to learn more.

At the conclusion of all program interviews, each applicant and program will submit ranked lists of preferred programs to NMS according to deadlines posted on the NMS website. The binding results of the Match will be released to both applicants and programs simultaneously on Match Day.