David Seegal Alpha Omega Alpha Visiting Professorship Lecture

The 2022–23 David Seegal Alpha Omega Alpha Visiting Professorship Lecture presented by Eve Higginbotham, SM, MD, ML, March 2023. (Photo/A. Renae)
David Seegal, MD, served as house staff and faculty in the department of medicine at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons from 1924 to 1964. Dr. Seegal believed the highest priority of a medical school was to train competent physicians. He often quoted William Osler, the inventor of bedside teaching: “I desire no other epitaph… than the statement that I taught medical students in the wards, as I regard this as by far the most useful and important work I have been called upon to do.”
The David Seegal Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) Visiting Professorship was established by Dr. Seegal’s grateful former students to honor distinguished and articulate medical scholars and teachers. Their aim was to identify annually an academic leader whose charisma and intellectual rigor recalled the pedagogical style that made encounters with Dr. Seegal unforgettable. During the course of the professorship, they will attend conferences and rounds and give the David Seegal Alpha Omega Alpha Visiting Professorship Lecture at the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons. This exercise honors both the newly elected members of AOA and one of the medical school’s legendary teachers.
Most Recent AOA Visiting Professorship Lecture
Related Information
About the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society
Past AOA Visiting Professorship Lecturers
2022–23 Eve Higginbotham, SM, MD, ML, University of Pennsylvania
2021–22 Wendy L. Hobson-Rohrer, MD, MSPH, University of Utah Health
2018–19 Katrina Armstrong, MD, MSCE, Harvard Medical School
2017–18 Nancy Andrews, MD, PhD, Duke University
2016–17 Terence S. Dermody, MD, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
2015–16 Diane Havlir, MD, University of California, San Francisco
2014–15 Curt I. Civin, MD, University of Maryland School of Medicine
2013–14 Myron S. Cohen, MD, University of North Carolina
2012–13 Daniel H. Lowenstein, MD, University of California, San Francisco
2011–12 Lawrence M. Tierney Jr., MD, University of California, San Francisco
2010–11 David Valle, MD, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
2009–10 C. Ronald Kahn, MD, Harvard Medical School
2008–09 L. D. Britt, MD, Eastern Virginia Medical School
2007–08 Joseph G. Verbalis, MD, Georgetown University
2006–07 Helen S. Mayberg, MD, Emory University, School of Medicine
2005–06 Jeffery S. Flier, MD, Beth Israel Medical Center
2004–05 Harry Jacobs, MD, University of Minnesota
2003–04 James E. Lock, MD, Harvard Medical School
2002–03 Robert C. Moellering, Jr., MD, Harvard Medical School
2001–02 John W. Griffin, MD, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Photos from Past AOA Visiting Professorship Lectures
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