VP&S Strategic Plan 2024
We aspire to transform human health by driving discovery, advancing care, and educating leaders.

The VP&S Strategic Plan is a dynamic roadmap for guiding the work of the VP&S leadership team over the next five years. It is the product of a two-phase strategic planning process launched in January 2023. In phase one, a steering committee and an external consulting firm gathered input about our challenges and opportunities from more than 2,000 faculty and staff members. This information was then translated into overarching foundational values and goals for each of our missions and cross-cutting efforts.
In phase two, working groups created for each of the missions and goals solicited input directly from the VP&S community, including department chairs and other VP&S leaders. The recommendations developed by the respective working groups form the core of the strategic plan and report now being shared with the VP&S community. That work has been distilled down to five overarching priorities, with accompanying goals and strategies that will bring each mission to life.
Build the Best Environment for Our People
Create the Clinical Care Model of the Future
Drive Discovery to Transform Human Health
Elevate Education Across the Continuum
Prioritize Partnership to Advance Community Health
This is an exciting moment to consider our shared missions and where we can go together. As Dean Katrina Armstrong, MD, wrote to the VP&S community: "There is no more important professional endeavor than the work you do each day at VP&S. Succeeding at this work demands a unique combination of confidence and humility, idealism and practicality, optimism and acceptance. I am constantly inspired by how you embody these attributes and am certain that together we will achieve the goals set out in this plan. I am excited to join you in this work."