External Funding Opportunities

The VP&S Office for Research often receives invitations for our investigators to apply to external research funding opportunities. When these opportunities specifically target our researchers or request the Office for Research to nominate a specific candidate, they are posted below.
2024 IMRF Connective Tissue Grant - Limited Submission
The Ines Mandl Research Foundation, Inc. (IMRF) is currently accepting proposals for innovative research projects led by early-to-mid-career investigators studying connective tissues. Projects may address a wide variety of focus areas, including but not limited to: metabolic and hereditary diseases, cartilage degradation, mineralization mechanisms and/or cell biology of connective tissues, as well as translational research. Mentored applications from multi-disciplinary research teams are encouraged. The Mandl Foundation seeks creative proposals that may not ordinarily receive funding from traditional government sources, but which demonstrate great potential for attracting support beyond the seed funding phase.
Limited Submission Deadline: TBD
Sponsor's Submission Deadline: July 1st, 2024