Biobanking at CUIMC

Biobanks are essential resources for scientific discovery and clinical research. These collections of blood, tissue, and other samples, generously donated by volunteers, allow researchers to develop new diagnostics, test the long-term effects of new therapies, and improve our basic understanding of how genetics, the environment, and other conditions may affect human disease and treatment.

For researchers, CUIMC supports two institutional efforts to facilitate the operations of biobanks and access to existing specimens: CUB and BRIDGE.

Columbia University Biobank (CUB)

The Columbia University Biobank (CUB) is Columbia’s main repository and organizational center for ongoing and future biobanking efforts at CUIMC. With a staff of highly trained personnel, CUB performs recruitment for central initiatives and partners with numerous departments to advance specialized collections. Both in-person and virtual enrollment of participants are supported.

CUB Catalog

Samples and data collected by CUB can be requested by any researcher at CUIMC and are distributed after scientific review.

BRIDGE Laboratory

Barcoded cryotubes loaded into a robotic handling system for processing.

The BRIDGE Biobanking Facility provides the physical and data infrastructure to support biobanking operations, both for CUB and independent groups. BRIDGE provides standard sample processing (including blood, serum, plasma, and PBMC isolation) as well as secure ultra-low temperature and cryogenic storage.