Plastic Surgery

  • Thomas Aghahowa Imahiyerobo Jr., MD

    Mentored VP&S Student Projects by Year:


    • Restricting the Development of Oronasal Fistulas: The Effect of Post-Operative Restraints on Outcomes Following Palatoplasty, Scholarly Project
  • Christine Hsu Rohde, MD, MPH

    Mentored VP&S Student Projects by Year:


    • Lymphatic Microsurgical Preventive Healing Approach (LYMPHA) for the Primary Prevention of Lymphedema: A 4-year Follow-up Matched Cohort Study, Scholarly Project
    • Suture Material Choice for Plastic Surgery in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus, Summer Research
    • Qualitative Breast Reconstruction Study of Chinese American Cancer Patients, Summer Research
  • June Kar-Ming Wu, MD

    Mentored VP&S Student Projects by Year:


    • PI3K hyperactivation regulates proteostatis dysfunction in vascular malformations, Summer Research


    • Protein Trafficking Defects in Complex Lymphatic Anomoly Endothelial Cells: A Contributor to Pathology and a Therapeutic Target, Research Year


    • Effect of Proteosome Inhibitors on Vascular Malformation Cell Proliferation, Summer Research
    • Candidate Drug Efficacy for Treatment of Vascular Malformations Summer Research