General Obstetrics & Gynecology
Devon Madelyn Rupley, MD
Mentored VP&S Student Projects by Year:
- Emergency Contraception Education and Values Clarification for Medical Students, Scholarly Project
- A Qualitative Analysis of Factors Affecting Postpartum Preparedness Among Patients with Significant Socioeconomic Risk Factors, Scholarly Project
- Reproductive Health in Medical Education: It’s Not Just for OB/GYNs, Scholarly Project
- An Interactive Curriculum to Teach Person-Centered Contraceptive Counseling, Scholarly Project
- A Novel Longitudinal Curriculum on Trauma-Informed Care in Medical Education, Scholarly Project
- Student-designed sexual history-taking curriculum effective at improving knowledge, attitude and skills in preclinical medical students, Scholarly Project
- Evaluation of effectiveness of postpartum preparedness interventions in current obstetric care paradigm among patients with significant risk factors and socioeconomic vulnerabilities, Summer Research, New York City, NY, USA