Epidemiology - Global Pop Projects
Elaine Abrams, MD
Mentored VP&S Student Projects by Year:
2024- Characterizing the Health Status of Preschool-Aged Children in Sierra Leone, Scholarly Project
- Obesogenic origins of maternal and child metabolic health involving dolutegravir (ORCHID): A child-centered sub-analysis, Summer Research, Cape Town, South Africa
Sandra Albrecht, PhD
Mentored VP&S Student Projects by Year:
2023- Trends in diabetes prevalence among Mexican American adults: the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES), 1999-2018, Scholarly Project
Batya Elul, PhD, MSc
Mentored VP&S Student Projects by Year:
2023- Care4Care, Summer Research, Rennes, France
- Physician-Disseminated Misinformation: Public Health Impact and Free Speech Implications in the United States and France, Summer Research, Paris, France
Michael Joseph, PhD, MPH
Mentored VP&S Student Projects by Year:
2023- Typologies of filiation, marriage, and economic dependency networks in Chilean households, Summer Research, Santiago, Chile