VP&S Rugby Football Club
Join the VP&S Rugby Club to be part of a long-winning tradition. As the only intercollegiate team at our medical school, the VP&S Rugby Club receives tremendous support from our community. Opponents include other medical and business schools, as well as various club teams around New York City.
In addition, each fall we host the legendary John C. Wood, Jr. M.D. '76 Memorial Tournament, an event that draws fans from across Columbia University Irving Medical Center.
About John C. Wood
The late Dr. John Wood Jr. was the driving force behind the creation of the Rugby Club in 1972. In 1981 he tragically lost his life steps from Presbyterian Hospital where he was a surgical resident. The following fall, the Club he founded named an annual tournament in his honor, and we've held it with heartfelt tenacity ever since.
Why Join the VP&S Rugby Club?
Most importantly, you will enjoy camaraderie with your medical school classmates and a social tradition unparalleled in any sport. Each match ends with a toast to our opponent and time to fellowship. This is a great chance to get to know your peers from all medical school classes in a non-academic setting.
Rugby Practices and Games
Practices are generally low key and instructional and do no conflict with academic responsibilities. Games occur on Saturday afternoons in the fall. There is a team trip down south in the spring that is always memorable. Coaching is provided by the more experienced members of the team.
Contact Us
For more information about joining the team, attending games, or making a donation to support the club, email ps-rugby@columbia.edu.