MD Program Part 1
Years 1 and 2
In the summer before the first year, students have the option to complete the first of their research laboratory rotations. While not required, we feel that this can assist the student by allowing him or her to decide on a thesis advisor and laboratory by the end of the preclinical curriculum of medical school. The first-year curriculum begins at the end of August and MSTP students follow the same curriculum as first year medical students. In 2009 the College of Physicians and surgeons initiated a new curriculum, which tightly integrates instruction in the first eighteen months. In addition to the medical school curriculum, MSTP students use their elective time during the first year to take at least one of the graduate courses, such as biochemistry, neuroscience, or eukaryotic molecular biology. View a list of other available graduate courses here. The MSTP advisory committee will work closely with the student during this period to help identify appropriate laboratories for rotation and to select courses. There are several advantages to offering a graduate school course during the medical school curriculum: The completion of a major graduate course allows more rapid completion of course work and earlier full-time involvement in laboratory research. Participation in the course at this early stage allows students to become familiar with members of the graduate faculty at an earlier time than would otherwise occur. The additional course work can help inform the choice of a laboratory or define a student's interests. It puts the student into contact with graduate students from the time they enter rather than requiring that they "shift gears" suddenly upon entry to the PhD years.
Medical School Courses continue for the next 6 months and end in December of the second year. In January of the second year, all MSTP students complete 2 full clinical medical school rotations and subsequently study and take Step 1of the USMLE. Once completed students undergo a second or third laboratory rotation and choose a graduate program.