Our Clinical Trials
Tailor RT: A Randomized Trial of Regional Radiotherapy in Biomarker Low Risk Node Positive Breast Cancer (CCTG MA.39)
Principal Investigator: Eileen Patricia Connolly, MD, PhD
Contact Number: 212-305-5050
NCT Number: NCT03488693
Population: Adult
Phase: III
The purpose of this study is to compare any good and bad effects of not giving regional radiotherapy to using regional radiotherapy. This study will help researchers learn if not giving regional radiotherapy is just as good as using regional radiotherapy. To be better, the approach of not giving regional radiotherapy should keep your breast cancer from coming back as good as giving regional radiotherapy. There will be about 2140 people taking part in this study. Are you Eligible? (Inclusion Criteria) To be eligible for this study, subjects must: 1. be ≥ 40 years of age. 2. have been...
Gastrointestinal (GI)
Audiovisual Didactic Experience for Latino patient treatment Adherence and Non-English speaker Trial Enrollment (ADELANTE) Study in Radiation Oncology
Principal Investigator: Lisa Ann Kachnic, MD, FASTRO
Contact Number: 212-305-5050
NCT Number: NCT05351424
Population: Adult
Phase: II
In this study, you will be randomized to receive either a brochure or watch a video that discusses radiation and cancer clinical trials. In addition, you will complete questionnaires at seven time points: 1 questionnaire before radiotherapy, 4 questionnaires during the course of radiotherapy and 2 questionnaires at follow-up visits. The questionnaires and brochure or video administration will take place during your standard of care visits. Are you Eligible? (Inclusion Criteria) To be included in the main study, you must: 1. be age 18 years or older 2. be Spanish speaker of Latino Background...
Feasibility Study of Adaptive Radiotherapy for the Treatment of Locally-Advanced Anal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Principal Investigator: Lisa Ann Kachnic, MD, FASTRO
Contact Number: 212-305-5050
NCT Number: NCT05838391
Population: Adult
The purpose of this study is to find out if performing adaptive planning during the treatment anal cancer will decrease the dose of radiation to normal organs and decrease the side effects. In this study, subjects will have a daily adjustment (adaptation) of their radiation plan as the tumor changes during the radiation treatment. The radiation will be given as part the standard of care treatment with chemotherapy, known as chemo-RT (CRT). Are you Eligible? (Inclusion Criteria) To be considered for this study, you must: 1. Have invasive anal cancer confirmed with biopsy 2. Be greater than 18...
Genitourinary (GU)
Principal Investigator: Israel Deutsch, MD
Contact Number: 212-305-5050
NCT Number: NCT04513717
Population: Adult
Phase: III
This study is being done in subjects that have high-risk prostate cancer, a low gene risk score and with a plan to receive radiation therapy to find out if: - A shorter hormone therapy treatment is as effective at controlling the prostate cancer compared to the usual 24-month hormone therapy treatment, or - If adding a new hormone therapy drug to the usual treatment increase the length of time without prostate cancer spreading as compared to the usual treatment. Depending on the group you are randomized to you could receive FDA-approved hormone therapy that you and your study doctor will...
Phase II single arm study testing SBRT, Adenosine signaling Modulation (AB680, AB928), and Immune Checkpoint inhibition (AB122) for men with hormone sensitive Oligometastatic prostate cancer (SBRT-AMICO)
Principal Investigator: Catherine S Spina, MD, PhD
Contact Number: 212-305-5050
NCT Number: NCT05915442
Population: Adult
Phase: II
This study aims to test the safety and effectiveness of zimberelimab, etrumadenant, and quemliclustat when given together with radiotherapy as a potential treatment to hormone sensitive oligometastatic (cancer that has spread to other areas of the body) prostate cancer. Zimberelimab, etrumadenant, and quemliclustat are considered immunotherapy drugs. These type of drug works by blocking a protein that can cause tumors to grow. By blocking this protein, the study drugs may cause your cancer to stop growing or to shrink. These study drugs are not approved by Health Authorities including the...
Pediatric/Young Adult
A Feasibility Study Examining the Use of Non-Invasive Focused Ultrasound (FUS) with oral Etoposide Administration in Children with Progressive Diffuse Midline Glioma (DMG)
Principal Investigator: Matthew Gallitto, MD, PhD
Contact Number: 212-305-5050
NCT Number: NCT05762419
Population: Pediatrics/Adult
Phase: NA
Children and young adults with diffuse midline glioma will be treated with Focused Ultrasound (FUS) with DEFINITY® microbubbles and neuro-navigator-controlled sonication. The overall goal of this study is to see if the study treatment plan will improve the outcome of participants with diffuse midline glioma, for which no known cure exists, and determine whether there are any clinical benefits of the study treatment. Children with progressive diffuse midline gliomas (DMGs) have very poor outcomes and have very limited options. One of the main obstacles in the effectiveness of medical..