Research Overview
Our residency program is a three-year program consisting of, in aggregate, two years of clinical instruction and one year of research. The primary objective of research rotation is to facilitate the residents' continued growth in critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. These proficiencies are not only valuable for their application in clinical physics but also pivotal for their future roles as leaders in the field of medical physics. The program incorporates research training alongside clinical training, ensuring a coordinated approach that maximizes the residents' learning experience. In particular, a resident will spend 50% of their time, or 6 months, in research rotation in the first year of residency training, and 25% of their time, or 3 months, in the rest two years. The research rotation is fully supported by the department.
Research Projects
During orientation, the new resident will be presented a list of research projects that cover a wide range of on-going research and development programs in the department. These projects are chosen by the faculty to have a high probability of being completed within the one-year research rotation. During the orientation and the first clinical rotation, the resident will have opportunity to review proposed research projects and to talk to the principal investigators (PIs) of these projects. The resident’s areas of expertise and areas of interest will help identify a good match for a project. The program wants the residents to be motivated and involved in a research project that they are interested.
The resident needs to decide the primary research project two weeks before the start of the research rotation. The PI of the primary project will become the research mentor of this resident.
Resources and Expectations
Each year, the program provides $2,500 to support the academic activities of each resident. In addition, a wide variety of support systems for research exists including research coordinators, biostatisticians, editorial services and internal/external seeds funding opportunities.
The residents are expected to:
1. Present their research progress once per year in the departmental research meeting.
2. Attend and present at local RAMPS Chapter meetings such as Young Investigator Symposium (YIS).
3. Present their work at major national conferences such as AAPM or ASTRO.
4. Produce publishable work during their residency.
Evaluation and Feedback
The research mentors are responsible for the research project during the research rotation. They review progress of the residents on the assigned projected at monthly intervals and issue a formal report to the program director at quarterly intervals during the research rotation. The resident will submit a quarterly evaluation on the research mentor and rotation.
Research Outcomes
Resident Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Garrett, M.D., Li, F., Lemus, O.D., Lavrova, E., Savacool, M., Price, M.J., ... & Chin, C. (2023). Impact of Adapted Radiotherapy Schedules on Bowel Sparing in Node-Positive Cervical Cancer. Practical Radiation Oncology, 13(2), e184-e191.
- Dona Lemus, O.M., Wang, Y.F., Li, F., Jambawalikar, S., Horowitz, D P., Xu, Y., & Wuu, C.S. (2022). Dosimetric assessment of patient dose calculation on a deep learning‐based synthesized computed tomography image for adaptive radiotherapy. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 23(7), e13595.
- Wang, Y.F., Dona, O., Xu, Y., Adamovics, J., & Wuu, C.S. (2021). Fiducial detection and registration for 3D IMRT QA with organ‐specific dose information. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 22(5), 24-35.
- Spina, C. S., Tsuruoka, C., Mao, W., Sunaoshi, M. M., Chaimowitz, M., Shang, Y., Welch, D., Wang, Y.F., Venturini, N., Kakinuma & Drake, C.G. (2021). Differential immune modulation with carbon-ion versus photon therapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 109(3), 813-818.
- Wang, Y.F., Dona, O., Liu, K., Adamovics, J., & Wuu, C.S. (2020). Dosimetric characterization of a body‐conforming radiochromic sheet. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 21(3), 167-177.
- Liu, K., Wang, Y.F., Dona Lemus, O. M., Adamovics, J., & Wuu, C.S. (2020). Temperature dependence and temporal stability of stacked radiochromic sheets for three‐dimensional dose verification. Medical Physics, 47(11), 5906-5918.
- Wang, S., Wu, C.C., Zhang, H., Karakatsani, M. E., Wang, Y. F., Han, Y., ... & Cheng, S. K. (2020). Focused ultrasound induced-blood–brain barrier opening in mouse brain receiving radiosurgery dose of radiation enhances local delivery of systemic therapy. The British Journal of Radiology, 93(1109), 20190214.
- Velten, C., Wang, Y. F., Adamovics, J., & Wuu, C.S. (2020). 3D isocentricity analysis for clinical linear accelerators. Medical Physics, 47(4), 1460-1467.
- Black, P.J., Velten, C., Wang, Y.F., Na, Y. H., & Wuu, C. S. (2019). An investigation of clinical treatment field delivery verification using Cherenkov imaging: IMRT positioning shifts and field matching. Medical physics, 46(1), 302-317.
- Wang, Y.F., Liu, K., Adamovics, J., & Wuu, C.S. (2019, August). An Investigation of dosimetric accuracy of a novel PRESAGE radiochromic sheet and its clinical applications. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1305, No. 1, p. 012041). IOP Publishing.
- Xu, A. Y., Wang, Y. F., Admovics, J., & Wuu, C. S. (2019, August). Assessing CBCT-based patient positioning accuracy on the Gamma Knife IconTM via Presage® 3D absolute dosimetry. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1305, No. 1, p. 012026). IOP Publishing
- Wuu, C.S., Wang, Y.F., Xu, A.Y., & Adamovics, J. (2019, August). Pre-clinical and small field dosimetry. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1305, No. 1, p. 012023). IOP Publishing.
- Xu, A.Y., Wang, Y.F., Wang, T.J., Cheng, S.K., Elliston, C.D., Savacool, M.K., Dona Lemus, O., Sisti, M.B. & Wuu, C. S. (2019). Performance of the cone beam computed tomography‐based patient positioning system on the Gamma Knife Icon™. Medical Physics, 46(10), 4333-4339.
- Black, P.J., Smith, D.R., Chaudhary, K., Xanthopoulos, E.P., Chin, C., Spina, C.S., Hwang, M.E., Mayeda, M., Wang, Y.F., Connolly, E.P. and Wang, T.J. & Wu, C.C. (2018). Velocity-based adaptive registration and fusion for fractionated stereotactic radiosurgery using the small animal radiation research platform. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 102(4), 841-847.
- Wang, Y. F., Lin, S.C., Na, Y. H., Black, P. J., & Wuu, C.S. (2018). Dosimetric verification and commissioning for a small animal image-guided irradiator. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 63(14), 145001.
- Na, Y. H., Wang, Y. F., Black, P. J., Velten, C., Qian, X., Lin, S. C., ... & Wuu, C. S. (2018). Dosimetric and geometric characteristics of a small animal image‐guided irradiator using 3D dosimetry/optical CT scanner. Medical physics, 45(7), 3330-3339.
Resident Conference Abstracts & Presentations
- Valencia Lozano, I., Buss E., Spina C.S, Horowitz, D.P., Kachnic, L.A, Price, M., Wang, Y.F. & Munbodh, R. (2023). Quantification and Dosimetric Impact of Intra-Fractional Bladder Motion during CBCT-Guided Online Adaptive Radiotherapy.
(2023 Sal Vacirca Young Investigator Symposium)
- Valencia Lozano, I., Buss E., Spina C.S, Horowitz, D.P., Kachnic, L.A, Price, M., Wang, Y.F., & Munbodh, R. (2023). Quantifying Intra-Fractional Bladder Motion during CBCT-Guided Online Adaptive Radiotherapy for Pelvic Cancer Treatments.
(to be presented at 65th AAPM Annual Meeting)
- Xu, A.Y., Valencia Lozano, I., Wuu, C.S., Elliston, C., Price, M.J, Sisti, M.B, & Wang, T.J.C. (2023). Assessment of MR Imaging Quality and Image Definition Accuracy in Vantage Frame-Based Gamma Knife Radiosurgery.
(to be presented at 65th AAPM Annual Meeting)
- Covington, E.L., Kim, H., Lee, Y.C., Richardson, S.L., Cardenas, C.E., Moncion, A., Valencia Lozano, I., Vega, J., Larouche, R. X., Tantôt, L. C., Belliveau, J. G., Owrangi, A.M., Ryckman, J., Popple, R.A., Xiao, Y., and Mayo, C.S. (2023). Updates from TG-263U1: New Nomenclature Standards in Brachytherapy, Adaptive Therapy, and Translations into French and Spanish
(to be presented at 65th AAPM Annual Meeting)
- Li, F., Xu, A.Y., Lemus, O.D., Wang, T.J.C., Sisti, M.B., and Wuu, C.S. (2023). Feasibility of synthetic CT for GammaKnife Radiosurgery dose calculation
(to be presented at 65th AAPM Annual Meeting)
- Wang, Y., Fan, P., Li, F., Xu, A., Wang, T., Choi, J., ... & Wuu, C. (2022, June). A New Approach to the Characterization of a Radiosurgery System: End-To-End Testing Using Phantom-Based 3D Dosimetry System. Medical Physics, 49(6), E384-E384.
(64th AAPM Annual Meeting)
- Li, F., Xu, A.Y., Lemus, O.D., Wang, T.J.C., Sisti, M.B., and Wuu, C.S. (2022, June). Cranial Dose Calculation On Synthetic CT for Gamma Knife Radiosurgery. Medical Physics, 49(6), E720-E721.
(64th AAPM Annual Meeting)
- Savacool, M., Elliston, C., Valencia Lozano, I., Tam, J., Deutsch, I., Kachnic, L.A., & Price, M. (2022). Using Class-Solution Optimization and Knowledge-Based Planning, a Physician-Driven Treatment Planning Workflow Demonstrates Improved OAR-Sparing for EBRT of the Prostate. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 114(3), e585-e586.
(ASTRO 2022 Annual Meeting)
- Dona, O., Horowitz, D., Savacool, M., Rayn, K., Li, F., Price, M., ... & Kachnic, L. (2021, June). A Method to Select Optimal Candidates for Adaptive Radiation Therapy (ART) in Anal Cancer. Medical Physics, 48(6).
(63rd AAPM Annual Virtual Meeting)
- Adamovics, J., Li, F., Dona, O., Wang, Y., Adamovics, A., & Wuu, C. (2021, June). Evaluation of 3D Filaments for Creating Patient-Specific Radiotherapeutic Phantoms. Medical Physics, 48(6)
(63rd AAPM Annual Virtual Meeting)
- Li, F., Xu, Y., Dona Lemus, O. M., Wang, T.J.C., Sisti, M.B., & Wuu, C.S. (2021). Implementation of MR-Based Synthetic CT for Stereotactic Radiosurgery Dose Calculation. International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics, 111(3), e547.
(ASTRO 2021 Annual Meeting)
- Rayn, K., Dona Lemus, O., Li, F., Gallitto, M., Padilla, O., Price, M., ... & Horowitz, D.P. (2021). Trigger-Based Adaptive Planning to Reduce Bowel Dose in Patients Receiving Radiotherapy for Anal Cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 111(3), e526-e527.
(ASTRO 2021 Annual Meeting)
- Dona, O., Wang, Y., Xu, A., & Wuu, C. (2020, June). A Method for the Daily Quality Assurance of a Six-Degree-Of-Freedom Treatment Table. Medical Physics, 47(6), E681-E682.
(2020 Joint AAPM | COMP Virtual Meeting)
- Wang, Y., Dona, O., Xu, A., Adamovics, J., & Wuu, C. (2020, June). Fiducial Registration Between Planning Space and Measurement Space for 3D Patient Specific QA. Medical Physics, 47(6), E784-E785.
(2020 Joint AAPM | COMP Virtual Meeting)
- Wuu, C., Wang, Y., Lemus, O.M., Qian, X., Adamovics, J., & Xu, A. (2020, June). 3D Dosimetry with a Novel Optical CT Scanner Using Fiber Optic Taper for Collimated Images. Medical Physics, 47(6), E444-E444.
(2020 Joint AAPM | COMP Virtual Meeting)
- Wuu, C., Wang, Y., Lemus, O.M., Qian, X., Adamovics, J., & Xu, A. (2020, June). 3D Dosimetry with a Novel Optical CT Scanner Using Fiber Optic Taper for Collimated Images. Medical Physics, 47(6), E444-E444.
(2020 Joint AAPM | COMP Virtual Meeting)
- Liu, K., Wang, Y., Dona, O., Adamovics, J., & Wuu, C. (2020, June). Three-Dimensional Dose Verification Using a Stacked Radiochromic Film Dosimeter. Medical Physics, 47(6), E865-E865.
(2020 Joint AAPM | COMP Virtual Meeting)
- Liu, K., Wang, Y., & Wuu, C. (2020, June). Investigation of Potential Dosimetric Errors in the Treatment Planning System of An Image-Guided Small Animal Irradiator. Medical Physics, 47(6), E804-E804
(2020 Joint AAPM | COMP Virtual Meeting)
- Wang, Y.F., Lemus, O.D., Wu, C.C., & Wuu, C.S. (2020). A Comprehensive Quality Assurance Program of Small Animal Irradiators for Preclinical Radiation Research. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 108(3), e266-e267.
(ASTRO 2020 Annual Meeting)
- Dona Lemus, O.M., Wang, Y.F., Horowitz, D P., Xu, Y., & Wuu, C.S. (2020). Synthetic Enhancement of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) for Adaptive Radiotherapy Using Deep Learning Algorithms. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 108(3), S42.
(ASTRO 2020 Annual Meeting)
- Dona Lemus, O.M., Wang, Y.F., Horowitz, D.P., Xu, Y., & Wuu, C.S. (2020). Synthetic Enhancement of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) for Adaptive Radiotherapy Using Deep Learning Algorithms. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 108(3), S42.
(ASTRO 2020 Annual Meeting)
- Xu, Y., Wang, T. J.C., Fan, P., Wang, Y.F., Dona Lemus, O.M., Vulpe, H., Adamovics, J., Sisti, M. B.& Wuu, C.S. (2020). Dosimetric Evaluation of the Tissue Inhomogeneity effect in Gamma Knife Treatment Planning. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 108(3), e285-e286.
(ASTRO 2020 Annual Meeting)
- Dona, O., Wang, Y., Xu, A., & Wuu, C. (2019, June). Hounsfield Unit Correction of Prostate CBCT Using Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks (CycleGAN). Medical Physics, 46(6), E317-E317.
(61st AAPM Annual Meeting)
- Wang, Y., Dona, O., Xu, Y., Adamovics, J., & Wuu, C. (2019, June). Automated Fiducial-Based Registration and Dose Normalization for 3D Dosimetry. Medical Physics, 46(6), E116-E116.
(61st AAPM Annual Meeting)
- Talarico, O., Plyashechnik, A., Wang, Y.F., Dona, O., & Wuu, C. (2019). Implementation of a 2-D and 3-D Algorithm for the Calculation of the Gamma Index. Medical Physics.
(61st AAPM Annual Meeting)
- Xu, A. Y., Wang, Y.F., Wang, T.J., Cheng, S.K., Dona, O., Sisti, M B., & Wuu, C.S. (2019, June). Performance of the CBCT-Based Patient Positioning System On the Gamma Knife Icon. Medical Physics, 46(6), E659-E659.
(61st AAPM Annual Meeting)
- Xu, A. Y., Wang, T. J., Fan, P., Wang, Y. F., Dona, O., Vulpe, H., ... & Wuu, C.S. (2019, June). Verification of the Convolution Algorithm for Inhomogeneity Correction in Gamma Knife Dose Calculation. Medical Physics, 46(6), E100-E100.
(61st AAPM Annual Meeting)
- Wang, Y.F., Liu, K., Adamovics, J., & Wuu, C.S. (2019, August). An Investigation of dosimetric accuracy of a novel PRESAGE radiochromic sheet and its clinical applications. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1305, No. 1, p. 012041). IOP Publishing.
(10th International Conference on 3D and Advanced Dosimetry)
- Wang, Y.F., Liu, K., Adamovics, J., & Wuu, C.S. (2019, August). An Investigation of dosimetric accuracy of a novel PRESAGE radiochromic sheet and its clinical applications. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1305, No. 1, p. 012041). IOP Publishing.
(10th International Conference on 3D and Advanced Dosimetry)
- Wuu, C. S., Wang, Y. F., Xu, A. Y., & Adamovics, J. (2019, August). Pre-clinical and small field dosimetry. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1305, No. 1, p. 012023). IOP Publishing.
(10th International Conference on 3D and Advanced Dosimetry)
- Xu, A. Y., Wang, Y.F., Admovics, J., & Wuu, C.S. (2019, August). Assessing CBCT-based patient positioning accuracy on the Gamma Knife IconTM via Presage® 3D absolute dosimetry. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1305, No. 1, p. 012026). IOP Publishing.
(10th International Conference on 3D and Advanced Dosimetry)
- Wang, Y.F., Velten, C., Black, P., Adamovics, J., & Wuu, C. (2018). Investigation of 3D Gamma Analysis for Clinical SRS Treatments.
(AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting)
- Velten, C., Wang, Y.F., Black, P.J., Adamovics, J., Wuu, C.S., (2018), Concurrent 3D Isocentricity Analysis for Clinical LINACs.
(AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting)
- Black P., Wang, Y.F., Velten, C, Wuu, C, (2018), Cherenkov Imaging Verification of Matched Photon and Electron Fields.
(AAPM Spring Clinical Meeting)
- Wang, Y., Velten, C., Black, P., Adamovics, J., & Wuu, C. (2018, June). Investigation of 3D Gamma Analysis for Small Field Treatments. Medical Physics, 45(6), E187-E187.
(60th AAPM Annual Meeting)
- Wang, Y., Velten, C., Black, P., Adamovics, J., & Wuu, C. (2018, June). Investigation of 3D Gamma Analysis for Small Field Treatments. Medical Physics, 45(6), E187-E187.
(60th AAPM Annual Meeting)
- Wang, Y., Black, P., Velten, C., & Wuu, C. (2018, June). Feasibility of Real-Time Monitoring of Matched Radiation Field Spacing Using Cherenkov Imaging. Medical Physics, 45(6), E147-E148.
(60th AAPM Annual Meeting)
- Wang, Y. F., Velten, C., Black, P.J., & Wuu, C.S. (2018). Dosimetric Assessment of Treatment Planning in an Image-guided Small Animal Irradiator. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 102(3), e188.
(ASTRO 2018 Annual Meeting)
- Black, P.J., Smith, D., Chaudhary, K.R., Xanthopoulos, E.P., Chin, C., Spina, C.S., Hwang, M., Mayeda, M., Wang, Y.F., Connolly, E.P., Wang, T.J.C., Wuu, C.S., Hei, T., Cheng, S.K. & Wu, C.S. (2018). Adaptive Deformable Registration and Fusion for Fractionated Stereotactic Radiosurgery Using a Small Animal Irradiator. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 102(3), e542.
(ASTRO 2018 Annual Meeting)
- Wang, Y.F., Lin, S.C., Na, Y.H., Black, P.J., & Wuu, C.S. (2017). Dosimetric Verification and Commissioning for an Image-Guided Small Animal Irradiator. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 99(2), E624.