Areas of Research
The dedicated investigators of the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center conduct research in a wide range of areas, including the following.
Type 1 Diabetes: Immunology and Treatment Strategies
In people who develop type 1 diabetes (T1D), the immune system attacks and destroys the insulin producing b-cells of the pancreas. The Type 1 Diabetes Research Program at the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center focuses on two broad areas: 1) Understanding and reversing the autoimmune targeting of b-cells, and 2) Developing therapies to replace lost b-cells.
Our type 1 diabetes team comprises the following researchers:
- Domenico Accili, MD
- Wendy Chung, MD, PhD
- Remi Creusot, PhD
- Dieter Egli, PhD
- Rudolph Leibel, MD
- Utpal Pajvani, MD, PhD
- Megan Sykes, MD
Type 2 Diabetes: Metabolic Health
While hyperglycemia is the defining characteristic of type 2 diabetes (T2D), it is a derangement in metabolic health that extends far beyond elevation in blood glucose concentration that causes most of the morbidity and mortality in patients with T2D. T2D and pre-diabetes alter glucose, lipid, and protein balance and the function of nearly every organ. Knowing that increasing weight and age are the two most important contributors to the development of T2D, Berrie scientists study how weight is regulated and the mechanisms result in insulin resistance and diabetes complications.
Our type 2 diabetes team comprises the following researchers:
- Domenico Accili, MD
- Sabrina Diano, PhD
- Ana Emiliano, MD
- Anthony Ferrante Jr. MD, PhD
- Rebecca Haeusler, PhD
- Rudy Leibel, MD
- Utpal Pajvani, MD, PhD
- Li Qiang, PhD
- Lori Zeltser, PhD
Translational Research: Patients Driving Science
By housing clinical services and research within a single building, the Berrie Center creates a diverse community where ideas are freely exchanged between patient care, science, and back again. A cadre of Berrie investigators straddles clinical and basic research, performing studies that take advantage of cutting-edge resources, a large and diverse patient population, and dedicated clinicians. For example, the programs in cellular therapies would not exist without patient volunteers who provided skin cells that stem cell biologists transform into insulin producing b cell-like cells. Translational researchers study the effects of bariatric surgery on diabetes, test treatments for obesity, and work to identify genetic causes of diabetes and its complications.
Our translational research team comprises the following members:
Clinical Trials
The Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center and Columbia University are a leading site for national and international T1D and T2D clinical trials. As active leaders in these trials, the Berrie Center provides opportunities for our patients and their families to participate directly in scientific investigations and benefit immediately when results are published.