Backup Freezers & Dry Ice

Backup Freezers

CUIMC maintains upright, shelved -80°C freezers that are available for the research community to use during a freezer failure while their freezer is being repaired or replaced. Full details regarding the backup freezer program, remote freezer monitoring, and the purchase of new -80 freezers are available on the VP&S Research Intranet.

In the event of a freezer failure:

  • Contact CU Facilities Compliance to request access to a backup freezer at 212-305-8100 via Public Safety. Provide the name, UNI, and contact number of the lab manager responsible and the location of the failed freezer.
  • Follow-up with an email (24/7) to as soon as possible
  • Contact with any additional questions

Additional information:

  • Only one contingency freezer may be used at one time per lab with the understanding that a freezer may be shared with another lab.
  • Hazardous materials (e.g. radioactive samples) may not be stored in any contingency freezer.
  • A freezer may be used for one month while the lab’s failed freezer is repaired or replaced. After one month, the department will be charged for use.
  • Lab staff are responsible for packing, labeling, and transporting materials to the freezer.
  • Lab staff are responsible for monitoring the temperature of backup freezers in use to ensure the safety of their materials.
  • If you have any difficulty with access, please notify the VP&S Office for Research by emailing

Dry Ice

Small amounts of dry ice (for use in shipments or when normal lab/department stocks are depleted) are available for pickup from the BRIDGE Laboratory.

  • Requests should be made in advance via iLab
  • Users needing more than 10 pounds of dry ice should contact the BRIDGE laboratory at least 24 hours in advance to insure adequate supplies will be available
  • Pickup can be made during normal business hours (M-F, 9am-5pm)
  • Users should bring their own pickup/storage container

Pickup can be made at 722 W. 168 St. (Allan Rosenfield Building), room R102.

Dry Ice Pickup and Backup Freezer Locations