Vivette D D'Agati, MD

Pathology - Anatomic
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I direct one of the largest renal pathology laboratories in the country, which processes approximately 5000 renal biopsies annually. This large biopsy practice has enabled our characterization of emerging kidney diseases. My major research interests include mechanisms of glomerular and tubulointerstitial injury in podocytopathies, immune mediated glomerulonephritis, monoclonal immunoglobulin-associated kidney diseases, and toxic tubulopathies. Our group has explored how pathologic forms of injury manifest clinically, how disease biomarkers can inform treatment, and the pathogenetic mechanisms governing distinct morphologic patterns of injury.

My basic research has focused primarily on mechanisms of podocyte dysregulation, injury and depletion in primary and secondary forms of FSGS. Work in animal models has led to characterization of molecular mechanisms of glomerular and tubulointerstitial injury in FSGS, HIV-associated nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy and forms of acute tubular injury.

Our team’s large-scale biopsy practice has facilitated the discovery and characterization of new glomerulopathies and emerging forms of drug toxicity, such as IgA-dominant staphylococcal-associated glomerulonephritis, proliferative glomerulonephritis with monoclonal IgG deposits, obesity-related glomerulopathy, smoking-related glomerulopathy, phosphate nephropathy and the nephrotoxicity of bisphosphonates and anabolic steroids. The laboratory’s discovery of CKD following phosphate-based bowel cleansing for screening colonoscopy and FSGS following anabolic steroid abuse were the subject of feature articles in the Science and Sports sections of The New York Times.

In addition to clinical practice and research, I am deeply committed to education. I have published over 580 peer-reviewed papers and 80 book chapters, and have co-edited 9 textbooks of renal pathology, including the latest edition of Heptinstall’s Pathology of the Kidney. For over 3 decades, I directed the annual Columbia Renal Biopsy Course. I have lectured in symposia and courses at annual meetings of the ASN, WCN and USCAP and have trained over 20 fellows, many of whom direct their own renal pathology laboratories at major medical centers.

Areas of Expertise / Conditions Treated

  • Renal Pathology
  • Transplantation Pathology

Academic Appointments

  • Delafield Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology at CUMC

Administrative Titles

  • Director, Renal Pathology Division

Hospital Affiliations

  • NewYork-Presbyterian / Columbia University Irving Medical Center


  • Female

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Credentials & Experience

Education & Training

  • B.A., Yale University
  • M.D., NYU School of Medicine
  • Residency: Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
  • Fellowship: Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, sponsored by National Kidney Foundation

Board Certifications

  • Anatomic Pathology

Honors & Awards

  • 1975 Phi Beta Kappa, Summa cum Laude, Yale College
  • 1979 Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society, NYU School of Medicine
  • 1991-1998 Editorial Board, Clinical Nephrology
  • 1993, 2012 Program Committee, American Society of Nephrology
  • 1993-1998 Editorial Board, Human Pathology
  • 1994-1996 Postgraduate Education Committee, American Society of Nephrology
  • 1996 President, Renal Pathology Society
  • 1998-2001 Editorial Board, American Journal of Kidney Diseases
  • 1999-2018 Editorial Board, Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
  • 2000 Jacob Churg Award, Renal Pathology Society
  • 2006 Association of American Physicians
  • 2007 Teacher of the Year, Columbia University Medical School class of 2009
  • 2007-present Editorial Board, Kidney International
  • 2008 Teacher of the Year, Columbia University Medical School class of 2010
  • 2017 Academy of Clinical Excellence, Columbia Physicians & Surgeons, CUIMC
  • 2018 Distinguished Alumnus Award, Society of the Alumni; New York-Presbyterian, CUIMC
  • 2018 Virginia Apgar Academy of Medical Educators, CUIMC
  • 2020 Francis Delafield, Endowed Professorship, Columbia University Medical Center
  • 2020 Edward N. Gibbs Award and Lectureship in Nephrology, New York Academy of Medicine
  • 2021 Michelle Winn Endowed Lectureship, American Society of Nephrology
  • America's Top Doctor
  • NY Top Doctor
America's Top Doctor
NY Top Doctor


My translational research has focused primarily on FSGS, including characterization of the histologic variants, how they differ in clinical presentation and treatment response, and how they reflect different pathogenesis. I organized the first consensus classification of FSGS morphologic subtypes, often referred to as the “Columbia Classification”. As the lead pathologist in the NIH-sponsored FSGS-CT, I was able to confirm in an independent cohort of steroid-resistant children and young adults my earlier observations in Columbia cohorts that tip variant has the best outcome and collapsing variant the worst outcome in primary FSGS. Taken together, my work has contributed to the current view that FSGS is not a single disease, but a group of clinical-pathologic syndromes, and validates the clinical importance of identifying distinct FSGS disease subsets.

A major focus of my basic research is to explore how podocytes become dysregulated, lose maturity markers and eventually fail, leading to podocyte depletion as central mediator of FSGS. Using transcriptional profiling of microdissected glomeruli in human renal biopsies, we demonstrated podocyte dedifferentiation and expansion of stem cell and parietal cell compartments in variants of FSGS, but not minimal change disease. One of the most widely studied animal models of FSGS is adriamycin nephropathy, which is highly strain-dependent. Our group discovered a mutation in Prkdc, a member of the DNA break repair machinery, as the basis for genetic susceptibility to adriamycin nephropathy in Balb/c mice. This observation demonstrates the importance of protective mechanisms against genotoxic stress in podocytes, which lack the ability to repair by cell division. In an animal model of collapsing FSGS, we helped demonstrate the roles of telomerase and Wnt signaling in podocyte cell cycle dysregulation. Because podocytes are long-lived cells, they are particularly vulnerable to mitochondrial injury via oxidative stress. Studies of mitochondrial dysfunction in FSGS identified the role of endothelial-podocyte cross-talk, whereby podocyte release of endothelin-1 promotes endothelial oxidative stress and podocyte apoptosis through activation of TGFβ signaling.

My early clinical-pathologic descriptions and translational studies showing podocyte dysregulation in HIVAN led to a productive 20-year collaboration as Core Pathologist in the NIH-sponsored PPG studying HIVAN pathogenesis. Our group demonstrated the ability of HIV virus to directly infect renal epithelial cells, including podocytes, parietal cells and tubular cells, using in situ DNA PCR (performed in my laboratory) and in situ RNA hybridization (performed in Dr. Paul Klotman’s laboratory). Using laser capture microdissection of renal tubules coupled with HIV quasispecies analysis we demonstrated the ability of HIV virus to replicate and evolve in kidney epithelia as a separate compartment from peripheral blood. Our group went on to show how nef and vpr expression by renal epithelia causes the pathologic features of HIVAN by dysregulation of host genes governing cell cycle and differentiation. GWAS studies among inbred mouse strains using a murine model of HIVAN mapped susceptibility to the Ssbp2 locus. Ssbp2 is highly expressed in podocytes and encodes a transcriptional cofactor that interacts with LDB1 and LMX1B.


  • R01DK121846-05 (Mallipattu) 09/14/20 – 05/31/25
    NIH/NIDDK Mechanisms Mediating Podocyte-Parietal Epithelial Cell Crosstalk in Proliferative Glomerulopathies
    Role: Co-Invest
  • R01DK129252-03 (Lee/Griesemer) 07/01/21 - 03/31/25
    NIH/NIDDK Paneth Cells-derived IL-17A and Liver Ischemia Reperfusion Injury
    Role: Co-Invest
  • 1R01DK131525-03 (He) 12/01/21 - 11/30/26
    NIH/NIDDK Elucidating the Molecular Mechanisms that Mediate DKD Progression in Patients living with HIV
    Role: Co-Invest
  • R01DK129735-03 (Kaufman) 04/01/22 - 02/28/27
    NIH/NIDDK Podocyte-specific Rap1 agonism for treatment of glomerular disease
    Role: Co-Invest
  • R01DK133912-03 (He/Lee) 08/15/22 - 07/31/27
    NIH/NIDDK The Role of Vpr-mediated cell cycle dysregulation in HIV-associated kidney disease
    Role: Co-Invest
  • PR212415 (Sanna-Cherchi) 09/01/22 - 08/31/25
    DOD Multiethnic Integrated GWAS to Illuminate the Pathobiology of FSGS
    Role: Co-Invest
  • 2U01DK100876-12 (Gharavi) 07/01/24 – 05/31/29
    NIH/NIDDK The Columbia PCC for CureGN: the Cure Glomerulonephropathy Network
    Role: Co-Invest
  • R01DK140887-01A1 (Sampogna) 04/01/25 – 03/31/30
    NIH/NIDDK Investigating the role of aberrant TRIM8 trafficking in focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)
    Role: Co-Invest

Selected Publications

  • D'Agati VD, Kaskel FJ, Falk RJ. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. N Engl J Med. 2011 Dec 22;365(25):2398-411.PMID: 22187987
  • D'Agati VD, Chagnac A, de Vries AP, Levi M, Porrini E, Herman-Edelstein M, Praga M: Obesity-related glomerulopathy: clinical and pathologic characteristics and pathogenesis, Nat Rev Nephrol 2016 Aug;12: 453-471. PMID: 27263398
  • Kambham N, Markowitz GS, Valeri AM, Lin J, D'Agati VD. Obesity-related glomerulopathy: an emerging epidemic. Kidney Int. 2001 Apr;59(4):1498-509. PMID: 11260414
  • D'Agati VD, Fogo AB, Bruijn JA, Jennette JC. Pathologic classification of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis: a working proposal. Am J Kidney Dis. 2004 Feb;43(2):368-82. PMID: 14750104
  • D'Agati VD, Alster JM, Jennette JC, Thomas DB, Pullman J, Savino DA, Cohen AH, Gipson DS, Gassman JJ, Radeva MK, Moxey-Mims MM, Friedman AL, Kaskel FJ, Trachtman H, Alpers CE, Fogo AB, Greene TH, Nast CC. Association of histologic variants in FSGS clinical trial with presenting features and outcomes. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013 Mar;8(3):399-406. PMID: 23220425
  • Nasr SH, Fidler ME, Valeri AM, Cornell LD, Sethi S, Zoller A, Stokes MB, Markowitz GS, D'Agati VD: Postinfectious glomerulonephritis in the elderly. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011 Jan;22(1):187-95. PMID: 21051737
  • Nasr SH, Satoskar A, Markowitz GS, Valeri AM, Appel GB, Stokes MB, Nadasdy T, D'Agati VD. Proliferative glomerulonephritis with monoclonal IgG deposits. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2009 Sep;20(9):2055-64. PMID: 19470674
  • Markowitz GS, Stokes MB, Radhakrishnan J, D'Agati VD. Acute phosphate nephropathy following oral sodium phosphate bowel purgative: an underrecognized cause of chronic renal failure. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2005 Nov;16(11):3389-96. PMID: 16192415
  • Herlitz LC, Markowitz GS, Farris AB, Schwimmer JA, Stokes MB, Kunis C, Colvin RB, D'Agati VD. Development of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis after anabolic steroid abuse. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010 Jan;21(1):163-72.PMID: 19917783
  • Hodgin JB, Borczuk AC, Nasr SH, Markowitz GS, Nair V, Martini S, Eichinger F, Vining C, Berthier CC, Kretzler M, D'Agati VD. A molecular profile of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue. Am J Pathol. 2010 Oct;177(4):1674-86. PMID: 20847290
  • Papeta N, Zheng Z, Schon EA, Brosel S, Altintas MM, Nasr SH, Reiser J, D'Agati VD, Gharavi AG. Prkdc participates in mitochondrial genome maintenance and prevents Adriamycin-induced nephropathy in mice. J Clin Invest. 2010 Nov;120(11):4055-64. PMID: 20978358
  • Shkreli M, Sarin KY, Pech MF, Papeta N, Chang W, Brockman SA, Cheung P, Lee E, Kuhnert F, Olson JL, Kuo CJ, Gharavi AG, D'Agati VD, Artandi SE. Reversible cell-cycle entry in adult kidney podocytes through regulated control of telomerase and Wnt signaling. Nat Med. 2011 Dec 4;18(1):111-9. PMID: 22138751
  • Daehn I, Casalena G, Zhang T, Shi S, Fenninger F, Barasch N, Yu L, D'Agati V, Schlondorff D, Kriz W, Haraldsson B, Bottinger EP. Endothelial mitochondrial oxidative stress determines podocyte depletion in segmental glomerulosclerosis. J Clin Invest. 2014 Apr;124(4):1608-21.PMID: 24590287
  • D'Agati V, Suh JI, Carbone L, Cheng JT, Appel G Pathology of HIV-associated nephropathy: a detailed morphologic and comparative study. Kidney Int. 1989 Jun;35(6):1358-70. PMID: 2770114
  • Marras D, Bruggeman LA, Gao F, Tanji N, Mansukhani MM, Cara A, Ross MD, Gusella GL, Benson G, D'Agati VD, Hahn BH, Klotman ME, Klotman PE. Replication and compartmentalization of HIV-1 in kidney epithelium of patients with HIV-associated nephropathy. Nat Med. 2002 May;8(5):522-6. PMID: 11984599
  • Kudose S., Santoriello D., Bomback A.S., Stokes M.B., Batal I., Markowitz G.S., Wyatt C.M., D'Agati V.D. The Spectrum of Kidney Biopsy Findings in HIV-infected Patients in the Modern Era. Kidney Int. 2020 May;97(5):1006-1016. PMID: 32278618
  • Steers NJ, Gupta Y, D'Agati VD, Lim TY, DeMaria N, Mo A, Liang J, Stevens KO, Ahram DF, Lam WY, Gagea M, Nagarajan L, Sanna-Cherchi S, Gharavi AG. 2022. GWAS in mice maps susceptibility to HIV-associated nephropathy to the Ssbp2 locus. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2022 Jan;33(1):108-120. PMID: 34893534
  • Kudose S, Santoriello D, Bomback AS, Sekulic M, Batal I, Stokes MB, Ghavami IA, Kim JS, Marasa M, Xu K, Peleg Y, Barasch J, Canetta P, Rasouly HM, Gharavi AG, Markowitz GS, D'Agati VD. Longitudinal Outcomes of COVID-19-Associated Collapsing Glomerulopathy and Other Podocytopathies. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2021 Nov;32(11):2958-2969. PMID: 34670811
  • Nasr SH, Kudose S, Javaugue V, Harel S, Said SM, Pascal V, Stokes MB, Vrana JA, Dasari S, Theis JD, Osuchukwu GA, Sathick IJ, Das A, Kashkouli A, Suchin EJ, Liss Y, Suldan Z, Verine J, Arnulf B, Talbot A, Sethi S, Zaidan M, Goujon JM, Valeri AM, Mcphail ED, Sirac C, Leung N, Bridoux F, D'Agati VD. Pathological characteristics of light chain crystalline podocytopathy Kidney Int. 2023 Mar;103(3):616-626 PMID: 36581019
  • Chen Y, Chen Y, Fu J, Sun Z, Li H, Xiao W, E J, Lo BY, Wang N, Zhang W, Klotman ME, Klotman PE, Kopp JB, D'Agati VD, He JC, Lee K. Tubular-specific expression of HIV protein Vpr leads to severe tubulointerstitial damage accompanied by progressive fibrosis and cystic development. Kidney Int. 2023 Mar;103(3):529-543. PMID: 36565808

Global Health Activities

  • Member, KDIGO C3 Glomerulopathy working group
  • Pathology Chair, KDIGO HIVAN working group
  • Member and Organizer, ISN/RPS Classification of Lupus nephritis
  • Chair, Pathology Consensus Committee for Classification of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (The Columbia Classification)
  • Member, Consensus Committee for Classification of C3 Glomerulopathy
  • Member, Oxford Classification of IgA nephropathy
  • Member, Leiden Revision of ISN/RPS Classification of Lupus Nephritis
  • Co-Chair, RPS/IKMG Consensus Committee for Classification of Monoclonal Immunoglobulin-associated Kidney Diseases