Lisa A Hark, PhD, MBA graduated from Drexel University with a Bachelor of Science in nutrition and biology and completed a dietetic internship at Emory University School of Medicine. She obtained her Master's of Science degree from the Institute of Human Nutrition at Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons and a Doctoral degree in education from the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education. Dr. Hark graduated from Columbia Business School with a Master in Business Administration (MBA).
Academic Appointments
- Professor of Ophthalmic Sciences (in Ophthalmology)
Administrative Titles
- Administrative Director, Jonas Children Vision Care
- Director, Clinical Trials Unit
Credentials & Experience
Honors & Awards
- 1991: American Dietetic Association Bristol Myers/Mead Johnson Scholarship
- 1992: American Dietetic Association Mary Abbot Hess Past President's Scholarship
- 1993: American Dietetic Association Frances Fischer Memorial Scholarship
- 1994: American Dietetic Association ADA Educational Scholarship
- 1994: American Dietetic Association Kraft General Foods Fellowship
- 2002: Nutrition Educators of Health Professional Dietetic Practice Group: Excellence in Nutrition Education of Health Professionals Award for Exemplary Nutrition in Medical Education
- 2005: American Society of Clinical Nutrition: Roland Weinsier Award for Excellence in Medical/Dental Nutrition Education
Lisa Hark, PhD, MBA is currently Administrative Director of the Jonas Children’s Vision Care Program and Director of the Clinical Trials Unit in the Department of Ophthalmology at Columbia University Medical Center. Dr. Hark is also Professor of Ophthalmic Sciences (in Ophthalmology) at the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. She was formally director of the Department of Research and Director the Glaucoma Research Center at Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia from 2009 to 2017. She has extensive experience overseeing research grant development, clinical trials implementation, and assisting faculty, fellows, residents, and medical students with disseminating their research findings.
Dr. Hark is also a renowned medical nutritionist with more than 25 years of experience consulting with medical schools about how to integrate nutrition. She is a leading expert and Editor-in-Chief of the textbook Medical Nutrition and Disease: A Case-Based Approach, now in its 5th edition and used by medical schools as well as physician assistant and dietetic programs in the U.S. and around the world. Dr. Hark is also Editor-in-Chief of The Nurse Practitioner's Guide to Nutrition and Achieving Cultural Competency: A Case-Based Approach to Training Health Professionals (Wiley Publishing) and is the author ofNutrition For LifeandThe Whole Grain Miracle Diet, published by Dorling Kinderslee.
Selected Publications
Publications, Peer-Reviewed
- Hark LA, Kresch YS, De Moraes CG, Horowitz JD, Park L, Auran JD, Gorroochurn P, Stempel S, Maruri SC, Stidham EM, Banks AZ, Saaddine JB, Lambert BC, Pizzi LT, Sapru S, Price S, Williams OA, Cioffi GA, Liebmann JM. Manhattan Vision Screening and Follow-up Study in Vulnerable Populations (NYC-SIGHT): Design and Methodology. J Glaucoma. 2021 May 1;30(5):388-394. PMID:33492894.
- De Moraes CG, Hark, LA, Saaddine J.Screening and Interventions for Glaucoma and Eye Health Through Telemedicine (SIGHT) Studies. J Glaucoma. 2021 May 1;30(5): 369-370.
- Hark LA, Tan CS, Kresch YS, De Moraes CG, Horowitz JD, Park L, Auran JD, Gorroochurn P, Stempel S, Maruri SC, Besagar S, Saaddine JB, Lambert BC, Pizzi LT, Sapru S, Price S, Williams OA, Cioffi GA, Liebmann JM. Manhattan Vision Screening and Follow-Up Study in Vulnerable Populations: 1-month feasibility results. Current Eye Research. 2021 Apr 19:1-8. PMID:33726583.
- Silverstein M, Scharf K, Mayro EL, Hark LA, Snitzer M, Anhalt J, Pond M, Siam L, Tran J, Hill-Bennett T, Zhan T, Levin AV. Referral outcomes from a vision screening program for school-aged children. Can J Ophthalmol. 2021 Feb;56(1):43-48. Epub 2020 Aug 6. PMID:32771327.
- Hark LA, Thau A, Nutaitis A, Mayro EL, Zhan T, Dabbish N, Tran J, Siam L, Pond M, Rice AR, Levin AV. Impact of eyeglasses on academic performance in primary school children. Can J Ophthalmol. 2020 Feb;55(1):52-57. Epub 2019 Sep 13. PMID:31712026
- Bonafede L, Sanvicente CT, Hark LA, Tran J, Tran E, Zhang Q, Costello R, Myers JS, Katz LJ. Beliefs and attitudes of ophthalmologists regarding SLT as first line therapy for glaucoma. J Glaucoma. 2020 Oct;29(10):851-856. PMID:32740509.
- Mayro EL, Murchison AP, Hark LA, Silverstein M, Wang OY, Gilligan JP, Leiby BE, Pizzi LT, Casten RJ, Rovner BW, Haller JA. Prevalence of depressive symptoms and associated factors in an urban, ophthalmic population. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2020 Jan 27. PMID: 31983234.
- Hark LA, Radakrishnan A, Madhava M, Anderson-Quiñones C, Fudemberg S, Robinson D, Myers JS, Zhan T, Adeghate J, Hegarty SE, Leite S, Leiby BE, Stempel S, Katz LJ. Awareness of ocular diagnosis, transportation means, and barriers to ophthalmology follow-up in the Philadelphia Telemedicine Glaucoma Detection and Follow-up Study. Social Work Health Care. 2019;Aug 58(7):651-664. PMID: 31120381.
- Hark LH, Adeghate JO, Katz LJ, Ulas M, Waisbourd M, Maity A, Zhan T, Hegarty SE, Leiby BE, Pasquale LR, Leite S, Saaddine JB, Haller JA, Myers JS. Philadelphia Telemedicine Glaucoma Detection and Follow-up Study: Cataract classifications following eye screening. Telemedicine and J E-Health. 2019 Nov 13. PMID 31721654.
- Hark LA, Madhava M, Radakrishnan A, Anderson-Quiñones C, Robinson D, Adeghate J, Silva S, Zhan T, Adepoju T, Dave Y, Fudemberg SJ. Impact of a social worker in a glaucoma eye care service: a prospective study. Health Soc Work. 2019 Feb 1;44(1):48-56. PMID: 30561635.
- Hark LA, Myers JS, Pasquale LR, Razeghinejad MR, Maity A, Zhan T, Hegarty SE, Leiby BE, Waisbourd M, Burns C, Divers M, Molineaux J, Henderer JD, Haller JA, Katz LJ. Philadelphia Telemedicine Glaucoma Detection and Follow-up Study: intraocular pressure measurements found in a population at high risk for glaucoma. J Glaucoma. 2019 Apr;28(4):294-301. PMID: 30946709.
- Hark LA, Myers JS, Ines A, Jiang A, Rahmatnejad K, Zhan T, Leiby BE, Hegarty S, Fudemberg SJ, Mantravadi AV, Waisbourd M, Henderer JD, Burns C, Divers M, Molineaux J, Pizzi LT, Murchison AP, Saaddine J, Pasquale LR, Haller JA, Katz LJ. Philadelphia Telemedicine Glaucoma Detection and Follow-up Study: confirmation between eye screening and comprehensive eye examination diagnoses. Br J Ophthalmol. 2019 Feb 15. PMID: 30770354.
- Waisbourd M, Sanvicente CT, Coleman HM, Sieburth R, Zhan T, Gogte P, Muhire RSM, Wizov SS, Moster MR, Pro MJ, Fudemberg SJ, Mantravadi AV, Myers JS, Katz LJ, Hark LA, Spaeth GL. Vision-related performance and quality of life of patients with rapid glaucoma progression. J Glaucoma. 2019 Mar;28(3):216- 222. PMID: 30624386.
- Cui QN, Gogt P, Lam JM, Siraj S, Hark LA, Myers JS, Katz LJ, Waisbourd M. Validation and reproducibility of the Heidelberg Edge Perimeter in the detection of glaucomatous visual field defects. Int J Ophthalmol. 2019 Apr 18;12(4):577-581. PMID: 31024809.
- Adeghate JO, Hark LH, Brown H, Henderer JD, Waisbourd M, Molineaux J, Malik K, Maity A, Chuang D, Donches K, Heres C, Eburuoh R, Schardt M, Yu D, Ramsey F, Myers JS, Katz LJ. Philadelphia Glaucoma Detection and Treatment Project. Ocular outcomes and adherence to follow-up at a single health center. Canadian J Ophthalmol. 2019;Dec;54(6):717-722. PMID 31836105.
- Hark LA, Shiuey E, Yu M, Tran E, Mayro EL, Zhan T, Pond M, Tran J, Siam L, Levin AV. Efficacy and outcomes of a summer-based pediatric vision screening program. J AAPOS. 2018 Aug;22:309.e1-309.e7. PMID: 30012459.
- Hark LA, Acito M, Adeghate J, Henderer J, Okudolo J, Malik K, Molineaux J, Eburuoh R, Zhan T, Katz LJ Philadelphia Telemedicine Glaucoma Detection and Follow-up Study: ocular findings at two health centers. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2018;29(4):1400-1415. PMID: 30449754.
- Hark LA, Myers JS, Rahmatnejad K, Wang Q, Zhan T, Hegarty SE, Leiby BE, Udyaver S, Waisbourd M, Leite S, Henderer JD, Pasquale LR, Lee PP, Haller JA, Katz LJ. Philadelphia Telemedicine Glaucoma Detection and Follow-up Study: analysis of unreadable fundus images. J Glaucoma. 2018 Nov;27(11):999-1008. PMID: 30180021.
- Mayro EL, Hark LA, Shiuey E, Pond M, Siam L, Hill-Bennett T, Tran J, Khanna N, Silverstein M, Donaghy J, Zhan T, Murchison AP, Levin AV. Prevalence of uncorrected refractive errors among school-age children in the School District of Philadelphia. J AAPOS. 2018 Jun;22(3):214-217.e2. PMID: 29660392.
- Thau AJ, Rohn MC, Biron ME, Rahmatnejad K, Mayro EL, Gentile PM, Waisbourd M, Zhan T, Hark LA. Depression and quality of life in a community-based glaucoma-screening project. Canadian J Ophthalmol. 2018;53(4):354-360. PMID: 30119789.
- Mayro EL, Pizzi LT, Hark LA, Murchison AP, Wisner D, Koka A, Leiby BE, Dabbish N, Okulate A, Dessy A, Green C, Bailey R. A proposed intervention to decrease resident-performed cataract surgery cancellation in a tertiary eye care center. Am Health Drug Benefits. 2018 Dec;11(9):480-487. PMID: 30746019.
- Pizzi LT, Waisbourd M, Hark L, Sembhi H, Lee P, Crews JE, Saaddine JB, Steele D, Katz LJ. Costs of a community-based glaucoma detection programme: Analysis of the Philadelphia Glaucoma Detection and Treatment Project. Br J Ophthalmol. 2018 Feb;102(2):225-232. PMID 28655730.
- Amarasekera DC, Resende AF, Waisbourd M, Puri S, Moster MR, Hark LA, Jay Katz L, Fudemberg SJ, Mantravadi AV. Steady-state pattern electroretinogram and short-duration transient visual evoked potentialsin glaucomatous and healthy eyes. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2018 Jan;46(1):54-61. PMID: 28600806.
- Rahmatnejad K, Myers JS, Falls ME, Myers SR, Waisbourd M, Hark LA. Factors associated with patient satisfaction in an outpatient glaucoma population. Semin Ophthalmol. 2018;33(6):757-765. PMID: 29341800.
- Lin SC, Zheng CX, Waisbourd M, Molineaux J, Zeng L, Zhan T, Rahmatnejad K, Resende A, Mantravadi AV, Hark LA, Moster MR, Markoff JI, Spaeth GL, Katz LJ. Visual field changes in professional wind versus non- wind musical instrument players in the Philadelphia Orchestra. J Ophthalmic Vis Res. 2018;13(3):224-230. PMID: 30090176.
- Sapru S, Berktold J, Crews JE, Katz LJ, Hark L, Girkin CA, Owsley C, Francis B, Saaddine JB. Applying RE-AIM to evaluate two community-based programs designed to improve access to eye care for those at high-risk for glaucoma. Eval Program Plann. 2017 Dec;65:40-46. PMID: 28689028.
- Winters D, Casten R, Rovner B, Murchison A, Leiby BE, Haller JA, Hark L, Weiss DM, Pizzi LT. Cost-effectiveness of behavior activation versus supportive therapy on adherence to eye exams in older AfricanAmericans with diabetes. Am J Med Qual. 2017 Nov/Dec;32(6):661-667. PMID: 27884979.
- Hark LA, Katz LJ, Myers JS, Waisbourd M, Johnson D, Pizzi LT, Leiby BE, Fudemberg SJ, Mantravadi AV, Henderer JD, Zhan T, Molineaux J, Doyle V, Divers M, Burns C, Murchison AP, Reber S, Resende A, Bui TDV, Lee J, Crews JE, Saaddine JB, Lee PP, Pasquale LR, Haller JA. Philadelphia Telemedicine Glaucoma Detection and Follow-up Study: methods and screening results. Am J Ophthalmol. 2017 Sep;181:114-124. PMID 28673747.
- Hark LA, Leiby BE, Waisbourd M, Myers JS, Fudemberg SJ, Mantravadi AV, Dai Y, Gilligan JP, Resende AF, Katz LJ. Adherence to follow-up recommendations among individuals in the Philadelphia Glaucoma Detection and Treatment Project. J Glaucoma. 2017; Jun 30. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 28671920.
- Hark LA, Deen D. Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Interprofessional education in nutrition as an essential component of medical education. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2017; Jul;117(7):1104-1113. PMID: 28648264.
- Pizzi LT, Waisbourd M, Hark L, Sembhi H, Lee P, Crews JE, Saaddine JB, Steele D, Katz LJ. Costs of a community-based glaucoma detection programme: analysis of the Philadelphia Glaucoma Detection and Treatment Project. Br J Ophthalmol. 2017; Jun 27. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID:28655730.
- Hark LA, Katz LJ, Myers JS, Waisbourd M, Johnson D, Pizzi LT, Leiby BE, Fudemberg SJ, Mantravadi AV, Henderer JD, Zhan T, Molineaux J, Doyle V, Divers M, Burns C, Murchison AP, Reber S, Resende A, Bui TDV, Lee J, Crews JE, Saaddine JB, Lee PP, Pasquale LR, Haller JA. Philadelphia Telemedicine Glaucoma Detection and Follow-up Study: methods and screening results. Am J Ophthalmol. 2017; Jun 30. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID 28673747.
- Rahmatnejad K, Rapuano CJ, Ichhpujani P, Wizov SS, Moster MR, Hark LA, Katz LJ. The effects of Latanoprost with Benzalkonium chloride versus travoprost with sofzia on the ocular surface. Eye Contact Lens. 2017; Jun 14. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:28617732.
- Sapru S, Berktold J, Crews JE, Katz LJ, Hark L, Girkin CA, Owsley C, Francis B, Saaddine JB. Applying RE-AIM to evaluate two community-based programs designed to improve access to eye care for those at high-risk for glaucoma. Eval Program Plann. 2017; Jun 21;65:40-46. PMID: 28689028
- Amarasekera DC, Resende AF, Waisbourd M, Puri S, Moster MR, Hark LA, Jay Katz L, Fudemberg SJ, Mantravadi AV. Steady-state pattern electroretinogram and short-duration transient visual evoked potentials in glaucomatous and healthy eyes. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2017; Jun 10. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28600806.
- Callinan CE, Kenney B, Hark LA, Murchison AP, Dai Y, Leiby BE, Mayro EL, Bilson J, Haller JA. Improving follow-up adherence in a primary eye care setting. Am J Med Qual. 2017; Jan/Feb;32(1):73-79. PMID: 26656245.
- Murchison AP, Haller JA, Mayro E, Hark L, Gower E, Huisingh C, Rhodes L, Friedman DS, Lee DJ, Lam BL; Innovative Network for Sight (INSIGHT) Research Group. Reaching the unreachable: novel approaches to telemedicine screening of underserved populations for vitreoretinal disease. Curr Eye Res. Curr Eye Res. 2017; Jul;42(7):963-970. PMID: 28506091.
- Pasquale LR, Aschard H, Kang JH, Bailey JN, Lindstr m S, Chasman DI, Christen WG, Allingham RR, Ashley-Koch A, Lee RK, Moroi SE, Brilliant MH, Wollstein G, Schuman JS, Fingert J, Budenz DL, Realini T, Gaasterland T, Gaasterland D, Scott WK, Singh K, Sit AJ, Igo RP Jr, Song YE, Hark LA, Ritch R, Rhee DJ, Gulati V, Havens S, Vollrath D, Zack DJ, Medeiros F, Weinreb RN, Pericak-Vance MA, Liu Y, Kraft P, Richards JE, Rosner BA, Hauser MA, Haines JL, Wiggs JL. Age at natural menopause genetic risk score in relation to age at natural menopause and primary open-angle glaucoma in a US-based sample. Menopause. 2017; Feb;24(2):150-156.
- Tyson SL, Bailey R, Roman JS, Zhan T, Hark LA, Haller JA. Clinical outcomes after injection of a compounded pharmaceutical for prophylaxis after cataract surgery: a large-scale review. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2017; Jan;28(1):73-80. PMID: 27653606.
- Waisbourd M, Dhami H, Zhou C, Hsieh M, Abichandani P, Pro MJ, Moster MR, Katz LJ, Hark LA, Myers JS. The Wills Eye Glaucoma App: Interest of patients and their caregivers in a smartphone- based and tablet-based glaucoma application. J Glaucoma. 2016; Sep;25(9):e787-91. PMID: 27552513.
- Hark LA, Johnson DM, Berardi G, Patel NS, Zeng L, Dai Y, Mayro EL, Waisbourd M, Katz LJ. A. randomized, controlled trial to test the effectiveness of a glaucoma patient navigator to improve appointment adherence. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2016 Sep 8;10:1739-48. PMID:27660423.
- Laur C, Ball L, Ahankari AS, Avdagovska M, Crowley J, Deen D, Douglas P, Hark LA, Kohlmeier M, Luzi L, McCotter L, Martyn K, Nowson C, Wall C, Ray S. Proceedings of the inaugural International Summit for Medical Nutrition Education and Research. Public Health. 2016; Nov;140:59-67. PMID: 27726865.
- Waisbourd M, Shafa A, Delvadia R, Sembhi H, Molineaux J, Henderer J, Pizzi LT, Myers JS, Hark LA, Katz LJ. Bilateral same-day laser peripheral iridotomy in the Philadelphia glaucoma detection and treatment project. J Glaucoma. 2016; Oct;25(10):e821-e825. PMID: 26950579.
- Hark LA, Mayro EL, Tran J, Pond M, Schneider R, Torosian J, Snitzer M, Dabbish N, Levin AV. Improving access to vision screening in urban Philadelphia elementary schools. J AAPOS. 2016; Oct;20(5):439-443. PMID: 2764711.7.
- Myers JS, Fudemberg SJ, Fintelmann RE, Hark LA, Khanna N, Leiby BE, Waisbourd M. Impossibility to eliminate observer effect in the assessment of adherence in clinical trials. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2016; Oct 25;10:2145-2150. PMID:27822015.
- Winters D, Casten R, Rovner B, Murchison A, Leiby BE, Haller JA, Hark L, Weiss DM, Pizzi LT. Cost-effectiveness of behavior activation versus supportive therapy on adherence to eye exams in older African Americans with diabetes. Am J Med Qual. 2016; Nov 23. PMID: 27884979.
- Hark LA, Waisbourd M, Myers JS, Henderer J, Crews JE, Saaddine JB, Molineaux J, Johnson D, Sembhi H, Stratford S, et al. Improving access to eye care among persons at high-risk of glaucoma in Philadelphia - design and methodology: The Philadelphia Glaucoma Detection and Treatment Project. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2016; Mar 7:1-9. PMID: 26950056.
- Johnson DM, Stratford S, Shyu AP, Sembhi H, Molineaux J, Reamer C, Spaeth GL, Myers JS, Hark LA, Katz LJ, Waisbourd M. The impact of educational workshops on individuals at risk for glaucoma in the Philadelphia Glaucoma Detection and Treatment Project. Patient Education and Counseling. 2016; 99(4):659-64. PMID: 26686991.
- Zheng CX, Hu WD, Tran J, Siam L, Berardi GG, Sembhi H, Hark LA, Katz LJ, Waisbourd M. Barriers to receiving follow-up eye care and detection of non-glaucomatous ocular pathology in the Philadelphia Glaucoma Detection and Treatment Project. J Community Health. 2016 Apr;41(2):359- 67. PMID: 26499385.
- Pizzi LT, Tran J, Shafa A, Waisbourd M, Hark L, Murchison AP, Dai Y, Mayro EL, Haller JA. Effectiveness and cost of a personalized reminder intervention to improve adherence to glaucoma care. Applied Health Econ Health Policy 2016; 29:1-2. PMID: 26924099.
- Weiss DM, Casten RJ, Leiby BE, Hark LA, Murchison AP, Johnson D, Stratford S, Henderer J, Rovner BW, Haller JA. Effect of behavioral intervention on dilated fundus examination rates in older African American individuals with diabetes mellitus: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2015; Sep 1;133(9):1005-12. PMID: 26068230.
- Waisbourd M, Parker S, Ekici F, Martinez P, Murphy R, Scully K, Wizov SS, Hark LA, Spaeth GL. A prospective, longitudinal, observational cohort study examining how glaucoma affects quality of life and visually-related function over 4 years: design and methodology. BMC Ophthalmol. 2015; Aug 1;15:91. PMID: 26231376.
- Aleo CL, Murchison AP, Dai Y, Hark LA, Mayro EL, Collymore B, Haller JA. Improving eye care follow-up adherence in diabetic patients with ocular abnormalities: the effectiveness of patient contracts in a free, pharmacy-based eye screening. Public Health. 2015; Jul;129(7):996-9. PMID: 26119987.
- Storey PP, Murchison AP, Pizzi LT, Hark LA, Dai Y, Leiby BE, Haller JA. Impact of physician communication on diabetic eye examination adherence: results from a retrospective cohort analysis. Retina. 2015; Jun 23. PMID:26098386.
- Pizzi LT, Zangalli CS, Murchison AP, Hale N, Hark LA, Dai Y, Leiby BE, Haller JA. Prospective randomized controlled trial comparing the outcomes and costs of two eye care adherence interventions in diabetes patients. Appl Health Econ Health Policy. 2015; Apr;13(2):253-63. PMID: 25786858.
- Ekici F, Loh R, Waisbourd M, Sun Y, Martinez P, Nayak N, Wizov SS, Hegarty S, Hark LA, Spaeth GL. Relationships between measures of the ability to perform vision-related activities, vision-related quality of life, and clinical findings in patients with glaucoma. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2015; Oct 1:1-10. PMID: 26425961.
- Rovner B, Haller JA, Casten RJ, Murchison AP, Hark LA. Cultural and cognitive determinants of personal control in older African Americans with diabetes. J National Med Assoc. 2015; 07,2:25-31.
- Duman F, Waisbourd M, Faria B, Addis V, Hsieh M, Ekici F, Hark LA, Spaeth GL. Trabeculectomy in patients with glaucoma over 80 years of age: relatively short-term outcomes. J Glaucoma. 2015; Feb 23, PMID: 25715005.
- DiMaria-Ghalili RA, Mirtallo JM, Tobin BW, Hark LA, Van Horn L, and Palmer CA. Challenges and opportunities for nutrition education and training in the health care professions: intraprofessional and interprofessional call to action. Nutrition Education in training medical and other health care professionals. Am J Clin Nutr 2014; May;99 (suppl):1S-3S. PMID: 24646823.
- Rovner BW, Haller JA, Casten RJ, Murchison AP, Hark LA. Depression and risk perceptions in older African Americans with diabetes. Diabetes Spectr. 2014; May;27(2):114-8. PMID: 26246767.
- Aleo CL, Hark LA, Leiby B, Dai Y, Murchison AP, Martinez P, Haller JA. Ophthalmic patients' utilization of technology and social media: an assessment to improve quality of care. Telemed J E Health. 2014; Oct;20(10):887-92. PMID: 25188532.
- Zangalli CS, Murchison AP, Hale N, Hark LA, Pizzi LT, Dai Y, Leiby BE, Haller JA. An education - and telephone-based intervention to improve follow-up to vision care in patients with diabetes: a prospective, single-blinded, randomized trial. Am J Med Qual. 2014; Sep 30. PMID: 25270737.
- Storey P, Murchison AP, Dai Y, Hark LA, Pizzi LT, Leiby BE, Haller JA. Comparing methodologies for imputing ethnicity in an urban ophthalmology clinic. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2014; Apr;21(2):106- 10. PMID: 24568574.
- Casten RJ, Brawer R, Haller JA, Hark LA, Henderer J, Leiby BE, Murchison AP, Plumb J, Rovner BW, Weiss DM. (2011). A trial of a behavioral intervention to increase dilated fundus exams in African Americans aged 65+ with diabetes. Expert Review Ophthalmol, (6), 593-601.
- Owsley C, McGwin G Jr, Lee DJ, Lam BL, Friedman DS, Gower EW, Haller JA, Hark LA, Saaddine J; Innovative Network for Sight (INSIGHT) Research Group. Diabetes eye screening in urban settings serving minority populations: detection of diabetic retinopathy and other ocular findings using telemedicine. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2015;133(2):174-81.
- Foreman JS, Hark LA, DeLisser HM. Case writing as a vehicle for promoting cultural competency: A Retrospective, Descriptive Qualitative Analysis. J Natl Med Assoc. 2011;103:1-8.
- Kulick D, Hark LA, Deen D. Nutrition and bariatric surgery: A growing role for dietitians. J Am Diet Assoc. 2010;110:593-599.
- Hark LA. Lessons learned from nutrition curricular enhancements. Am J Clin Nutr. 2006;83(4):968S-970S.
- Oster A, Hark LA, Von Feldt J. An educational module designed to teach second-year medical students about counseling on behavior change. Ann Beh Sci Med Educ. 2005;11:8-13.
- Hark LA, Parker R, Deen D, Pi-Sunyer FX. Metabolic syndrome: a time for action. (in) Cardiovascular Nutrition: Disease Management And Prevention. American Dietetic Association. Chicago, IL. 2004.
- Szapary P, Hark LA, Burke F. Metabolic syndrome: A new focus on lifestyle modification. Patient Care. 2002;36,13:75-88.
- Hark LA. Nutrition education web-based and text resources. Nutricion Clinical. Editorial Medical Panamericana. 2002.
- Hark LA. Nutrition education curriculum for University of Pennsylvania medical students. Nutricion Clinical. Editorial Medical Panamericana. 2002.
- Hark LA. Medical nutrition education initiatives in the US. Nutricion Clinical. Editorial Medical Panamericana. 2002.
- Pearson TA, Stone EJ, Grundy SM et. al. Translation of nutritional sciences into medical education: The Nutrition Academic Award Program. Am J Clin Nutr. 2001;74:164-70.
- Tobin BM, Smith M, Kushner RL, Hark LA, Eaton C. Nutrition curriculum guide for training physicians. FASEB J. 2001;15(4):A1095.
- Shapiro M, Hark LA, Rombeau J. Proposed association between ileoanal J-pouch perforation and rapid consumption of a high calorie, high fiber meal. Report of two cases. Dis Colon Rectum. 2000;43:1008-1011.
- Hark LA. The development of a case-based, integrated curriculum for medical students. Am J Clin Nutrition. 2000;72 (suppl):890S-97S.
- Hark LA. Interpreting recent research and controversies to improve dietary management of patients with hypercholesterolemia. Post Graduate Medicine 1998;12 (suppl):S76-S87.
- Hark LA, Deen D. Taking a Nutrition history. a practical approach for clinicians. American Family Physician. 1999;59:1521-28.
- Hark LA. One programs' experiences in nutrition in medical education. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. 1997;12:42-8.
- Hark LA, Iwamoto C, Melnick D, Kushner R, Young E. Nutrition coverage on medical licensing examinations. Am J Clin Nutrition. 1997;65:568-71.
Publications, Non-Peer Reviewed
- Hark LA. What Your Doctor Won't Tell You About Nutrition. Bottom Line Health. June 2008.
- Hark LA, Kornely KM. Heart Healthy Web Resources. Nutrition in Clin Care. 2001;4:338-341.
- Hark LA, Kornely KM. Heart-healthy web site resources. Nutrition in Clinical Care. 2001;4(6):338-341.
- Hark LA. Spreading the Word: Review of the Oversees Dietetic Association Meeting. Nutrition Educators of Health Professionals ADA Dietetic Practice Group Newsletter. 1997;24:1-2.
- Hark LA. Nutrition Content on the National Board of Medical Examiners. Nutrition Educators of Health Professionals ADA Dietetic Practice Group Newsletter. 1997;24:1-2.
- Hark LA. The Joys of Finding a Publisher. Nutrition Educators of Health Professionals ADA Dietetic Practice Group Newsletter. 1997;23:1-2.
- Hark LA. Designing Your Own Home Page on the World Wide Web. Nutrition Educators of Health Professionals ADA Dietetic Practice Group Newsletter. 1996;22:1-2.
- Hark LA. Restructuring Medical Curricula. Nutrition Educators of Health Professionals ADA Dietetic Practice Group Newsletter. 1996;21:1-2.
- Hark LA. Expanding Your Role as Educators of Health Professional. Clinical Nutrition Management ADA Dietetic Practice Group Newsletter. 1994;13:1-2.
Editorials, Reviews, and Chapters
- Horvitz E, Hark LA, Catalona P. Nutritional Management During Pregnancy. In. Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies. 7th Edition. Gabbe S, Niebyl JR, Simpson JL, Landon MB, Galan HL, Driscoll DA (Eds). Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia, PA. 2015.
- Carson JA, Grundy SM, Hark LA. Cardiovascular Disease. In Medical Nutrition and Disease: 5th edition. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2014.
- Borden C and Hark LA. Older Adults. In Medical Nutrition and Disease: 5th edition. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2014.
- Horvitz E, Hark LA, Deen DD. Nutrition in Pregnancy and Lactation. In Medical Nutrition and Disease: 5th edition. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2014.
- Hark LA, Deen DD, Pruzansky A. Overview of Nutrition Assessment in Clinical Care. In Medical Nutrition and Disease: 5th edition. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2014.
- Burke F, Hark LA. Cardiology Care. In The Nurse Practitioner's Guide to Nutrition, Hark LA, Ashton K, Deen D (eds). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA. 2012.
- Hark LA, Deen D, Ferraro D. Obesity and Bariatric Surgery Care. In The Nurse Practitioner's Guide to Nutrition, Hark LA, Ashton K, Deen D (eds). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA. 2012.
- McKeever A, Digiacomo P, Hark LA, Larkins K. Nutrition from Pre-conception Through Lactation. In The Nurse Practitioner's Guide to Nutrition, Hark LA, Ashton K, Deen D (eds). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA. 2012.
- DeSimone ME, Hark LA, Nutrition Assessment for Nurse Practitioners. In The Nurse Practitioner's Guide to Nutrition, Hark LA, Ashton K, Deen D (eds). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA. 2012.
- Borden C, Conner C, Hark LA, Nutrition for Older Adults. In The Nurse Practitioner's Guide to Nutrition, Hark LA, Ashton K, Deen D (eds). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA. 2012.
- Hark LA, Nutrition in Pregnancy and Lactation. In The Nurse Practitioner's Guide to Nutrition, Hark LA, Ashton K, Deen D (eds). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA. 2012.
- Hark LA, Catalona P. Nutritional Management During Pregnancy. In. Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies. 6th Edition. Gabbe S, Niebyl JR, Simpson JL, Landon MB, Galan HL, Driscoll DA (Eds). Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia, PA. 2012.
- Hark LA, Deen DD. Nutrition in Pregnancy and Lactation. In Medical Nutrition and Disease: 4th edition. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2009.
- Hark LA, Deen DD, Pruzansky A. Overview of Nutrition in Clinical Care. In Medical Nutrition and Disease: 4th edition. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2009.
- Hark LA. Nutrition Digestion, and Absorption. In Gastrointestinal Physiology. Seifter J, Ratner A and Sloane D (eds). Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, MD. 2005.
- Hark LA, Parker R, Deen D, Pi-Sunyer FX. Metabolic Syndrome: A Time for Action. In Cardiovascular Nutrition: Disease Management and Prevention. Carson J, Burke F, Hark LA (eds). American Dietetic Association. Chicago, IL. 2004.
- Wylie-Rosett J, Hark LA. Nutrition Assessment for Cardiovascular Disease. In Cardiovascular Nutrition: Disease Management and Prevention. Carson J, Burke F, Hark LA (eds). American Dietetic Association, Chicago, IL. 2004.
- Hark LA, Bowman M, Bellini L. Overview of nutrition in clinical practice. In Medical Nutrition and Disease. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds) 3rd Edition. Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA. 2003.
- Hark LA, Bowman M, Bellini L. Nutrition Assessment in Medical Practice. In Medical Nutrition and Disease. Morrison G and Hark LA (eds) 2nd Edition. Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA. 1999.
- Hark LA, Rader D, Burke F. Cardiovascular Pathophysiology. In Medical Nutrition and Disease. Morrison G and Hark LA (eds) 1st Edition. Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA. 1996.
- Hark LA, Seigler G. Older Adults. In Medical Nutrition and Disease. Morrison G and Hark LA (eds)1st Edition. Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA. 1996.
- Hark LA, Stallings G. Nutrition Assessment in Medical Practice. In Medical Nutrition and Disease. Morrison G and Hark LA (eds) 1st Edition. Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA. 1996.
- Gurubhagavatula I, Hark LA, Drozdowsky S. Ostructive sleep apnea syndrome. In Medical Nutrition and Disease: 5th edition. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2014.
- Kelley E, Hark LA, Burke F. Lp(a) Defect in Asian Indian Man. In Medical Nutrition and Disease: 5th edition. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2014.
- Bucovetsky L, Skwara AJ, Hark LA. Menopause and Weight Gain. In Medical Nutrition and Disease: 5th edition. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2014.
- Storey P, Sharma H, Hark LA. Macular Degeneration. In Medical Nutrition and Disease: 5th edition. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2014.
- Tershakovec A, Hark LA. Overweight child with insulin resistance. In Medical Nutrition and Disease: 5th edition. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2014.
- Deen D, Elmaleh-Sachs A, Hark LA. Iron deficiency anemia in women. In Medical Nutrition and Disease: 5th edition. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2014.
- Hark LA, Burke F. The case of Sunil Guha. 32-year-old Asian Indian man with Lp(a) Defect. In Achieving Cultural Competency: A Case-Based Approach. Hark LA and Delisser H. (eds). Wiley- Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2009.
- Hark LA and Delisser H. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2009.
- Gurubhagavatula I, Hark LA, Drozdowsky S. The case of Carlos Cruz: 34-year-old man with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. In Achieving Cultural Competency: A Case-Based Approach.
- Hark LA, Marion G. The case of Naomi Fulton: 49-year-old female with metabolic syndrome. In Achieving Cultural Competency: A Case-Based Approach. Hark LA and Delisser H. (eds). Wiley- Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2009.
- Hark LA, Burke F. The case of Sunil Guha. 32-year-old Asian Indian man with Lp(a) Defect. In Achieving Cultural Competency: A Case-Based Approach. Hark LA and Delisser H. (eds). Wiley- Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2009.
- Gurubhagavatula I, Hark LA, Drozdowsky S. The case of Carlos Cruz: 34-year-old man with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. In Achieving Cultural Competency: A Case-Based Approach. Hark LA and Delisser H. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2009.
- Hark LA, Marion G. The case of Naomi Fulton: 49-year-old female with metabolic syndrome. In Achieving Cultural Competency: A Case-Based Approach. Hark LA and Delisser H. (eds). Wiley- Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2009.
- Gurubhagavatula I, Hark LA, Drozdowsky S. Ostructive sleep apnea syndrome. In Medical Nutrition and Disease: 4th edition. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2009.
- Hark LA, Burke F. Lp(a) Defect in Asian Indian Man. In Medical Nutrition and Disease: 4th edition. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2009.
- Tershakovec A, Hark LA, Rappaport E. Overweight child with insulin resistance. In Medical Nutrition and Disease: 4th edition. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2009.
- Hark LA. Iron deficiency anemia in women. In Medical Nutrition and Disease: 4th edition. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds). Wiley-Blackwell, Malden, MA. 2009.
- Tershakovec A, Hark LA. Overweight child with insulin resistance. In Medical Nutrition and Disease. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds) 3rd Edition. Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA. 2003.
- Hark LA, Ross E. Iron deficiency anemia in women. In Medical Nutrition and Disease. Hark LA and Morrison G. (eds) 3rd Edition. Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA. 2003.
- Hark LA, Marder S. Obese Pregnant Women. In Medical Nutrition and Disease. Morrison G and Hark LA (eds) 2nd Edition. Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA. 1999.
- Hark LA, MacGregor R, Langan, M. AIDS with Esophagitis and Diarrhea. In Medical Nutrition and Disease Morrison G and Hark LA (eds) 1st Edition. Blackwell Publishing, Malden, MA. 1996.
- Nutrition For Life, by Lisa Hark and Darwin Deen, DK Publishing, New York, NY, 2005, paperback 2007
(translated into French, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Chinese, German and adapted to the British and Australia markets) - The Whole Grain Diet Miracle by Lisa Hark and Darwin Deen, DK Publishing, New York, NY, 2006
(translated into French, Spanish, German and adapted to the British market)
Alternative Media
- 2010-Present: Developed the Wills Eye Clinical Vision Research Training and Mentoring Program for Minority Students. Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia, PA.
- 2006-2008: Executive Producer, Cultural Competence Medical Education Program, Web-Based CME videos. University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. www.med.upenn.edu/culture.
- 1998-2003: Co-Chair: Nutrition Curriculum Guide for Training Physicians, Nutrition Academic Award Curriculum Committee. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD. www.nhlbi.nih.gov/funding/training/naa/products.htm
Poster Presentations (2011-2014, sample)
- Hark, LA. A Vision Research Training and Mentoring Program: The Wills Eye Hospital Experience. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. May 6, 2014. Denver, CO.
- Tran J, Waisbourd M, Weiss DM, Murchison AP, Katz LJ, Spaeth GL, Haller JA, Hark LA. The effectiveness of a tailored intervention to increase follow-up adherence in patients with glaucoma. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. May 8, 2014. Orlando, FL.
- Leiby B, Weiss DM, Casten RJ, Murchison AP, Hark LA, Haler JA. Ocular Disease Incidence and Factors that Influence DFE Adherence in African Americans with Diabetes. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. May 7, 2014. Orlando, FL.
- Weiss DM, Hark LA, Leiby B, Murchison AP, Haller JA. Impact of diabetes on vision-related quality of life: Findings from a clinical trial of African-Americans. American Public Health Association. November 5, 2013. Boston, MA.
- Weiss DM, Murchison AP, Hark LA, Collymore B, Casten RJ, Brawer R, Plumb JD, Rovner B, Henderer JD, Haller JA. Comparing opt-in versus opt-out recruitment strategies for ophthalmology research. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. May 6, 2013. Seattle, WA.
- Collymore B, Murchison AP, Casten RJ, Hark LA, Weiss DM, Johnson D, Rovner B, Henderer JD, Haller JA. Vision risk perception in older African Americans with Diabetes. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. May 6, 2013. Seattle, WA.
- Weiss DM, Casten R, Leiby B, Hark LA, Henderer J, Rovner, B, Haller JA, Murchison AP. Recruiting older African Americans with diabetes: A comparison of opt-in versus opt-out enrollment methods. American Diabetes Association. June 8, 2012. Chicago, IL.
- Hark LA, Casten R, Murchison AP, Weiss DM, Leiby B, Henderer J, Rovner B, Haller JA. A novel home- based, behavioral intervention to improve access to diabetes eye care. American Diabetes Association. June 8, 2012. Chicago, IL.
- Hark LA, Collymore B, Caraballo K, Johnson D, Stratford S, Malunda J, Weiss D, Thomas J. Development of a clinical vision research training and mentoring program for minority undergraduate and graduate students. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. Poster presented May 6, 2012. Fort Lauderdale, FL.
- Weiss D, Stratford S, Hark LA. Utilizing Community-Academic Partnerships to Reduce Vision-Related Health Disparities. Science of Eliminating Health Disparities Summit. National Institute of Minority Health and Health Disparities. Baltimore, MD. October 31- November 2, 2012.
- Komura S, Law M, Hark LA, Murchison AP, Pizzi LT. Tele-Ophthalmology in the Community Pharmacy Setting: A Novel Model of Care. Poster presentation at the International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF) 58th Annual World Congress, Hurghada, Egypt, August 1-11, 2012.
- Murchison AP, Dai Y, Leiby B, Hark LA, Pizzi L, Haller J. Eye care utilization by patients with diabetes: A retrospective analysis targeted to improve follow-up adherence. American Public Health Association. Presentation Oct. 2012. San Francisco, CA
- INSIGHT Research Group. A novel multi-center diabetic eye screening program. American Public Health Association. Presentation Oct. 2012. Philadelphia, PA
- Murchison AP, Dai Y, Leiby B, Hark LA, Pizzi L, Haller J. Eye care utilization by patients with diabetes: A retrospective analysis of Wills Eye Hospital Services. American Diabetes Association. Poster presented June 2012. Philadelphia, PA
- Murchison AP, Pizzi L, Dai Y, Hark LA, Leiby B, Haller J. Access to vision care by diabetic patients: A retrospective review. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). Poster presented May 2012. Fort Lauderdale, FL.
- INSIGHT Research Group. A novel model for detecting diabetic retinopathy: The INSIGHT study of opportunistic screening of persons with diabetes. American Public Health Association. Presentation Nov. 2011. Washington, DC.
For a complete list of publications, please visit PubMed.gov