Daniel S Casper, MD

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Dr. Daniel Casper practices general, medical ophthalmology full-time at Columbia University Medical Center, dividing his time between the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center and the Harkness Eye Institute Faculty Practice. His ophthalmology training, including residency and fellowship, has all been done at Columbia, and he has been affiliated with the university in various capacities since 1986.

After completing his residency, Dr. Casper was a fellow in orbital and oculoplastic Surgery with Dr. Stephen Trokel at Columbia, and along with Dr Linda Chi of the Radiology department, co-edited the textbook, "Orbital Disease: Imaging and Analysis," on which Dr. Casper served as senior editor and illustrator. In 2019, Drs. Casper and Cioffi co-edited the book, "The Columbia Guide to Basic Elements of Eye Care: A Manual for Helathcare Professionals." Dr. Casper also was the senior editor and illustrator on this book.

Although Dr. Casper practices comprehensive, non-surgical ophthalmology, he specializes in diabetic eye disease, and is Director of Ophthalmology at the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center at Columbia University Medical Center. He is currently a Professor of Ophthalmology at CUMC, and in addition to his patient care responsibilities, he regularly teaches medical students enrolled at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, as well as residents in ophthalmology, internal medicine and family practice medicine, and fellows training in endocrinology.

Areas of Expertise / Conditions Treated

  • Annual Exams
  • Blurring of Visual Image
  • Comprehensive Ophthalmology
  • Conjunctival Diseases
  • Diabetic Eye Disease
  • Dry Eye Syndrome
  • Infectious & Inflam Eye Disease

Academic Appointments

  • Professor of Ophthalmology at CUMC
  • Special Lecturer in Ophthalmology


  • Spanish


  • Male

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Insurance Accepted


  • EPO
  • Great West (National)
  • POS


  • PPO


  • Select Care (Exchange)

Fidelis Care

  • Essential Plan


  • Railroad
  • Traditional Medicare


  • Columbia University Employee Plan
  • Compass (Exchange)
  • HMO
  • POS
  • PPO

*Before your appointment, please contact the doctor’s office or your insurance provider to verify that your insurance is accepted. This list of insurances can change, and the insurance plans listed may not be accepted at all office locations for this provider.

Credentials & Experience

Education & Training

  • Albany Medical College-Union University, NY
  • PhD, Tufts University (Boston MA)
  • Internship: Albany Medical Center Hospital, NY
  • Residency: Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, NY
  • Residency: 1989 NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical C
  • Fellowship: Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, NY
  • Fellowship: Massachusettes General Hospital

Board Certifications

  • Ophthalmology

Honors & Awards

2019 NY Top Docs

2011-To present International Association of Ophthalmologists, Top Ophthalmologists in NY (International Association of Healthcare Professionals)

2008-To present New York Times SuperDoctor

2001-To present Top Doctor, New York-Metro Area, Castle-Connolly

2000 -To present Best Doctors in America

2000-2001 JM Wheeler Outstanding Teacher of the Year, Columbia University, Department of Ophthalmology, NY

1985 Robert Reinecke Award for Research in Ophthalmology, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY

America's Top Doctor
NY Top Doctor


Selected Publications

Books and Book Chapters:

Al-Aswad, LA and Casper, DS: Laser Trabeculoplasty. In: Albert, DM and Lucarelli, M, Eds. Clinical Atlas of Procedures in Ophthalmic and Oculofacial Surgery. Oxford University Press, New York; 2012: 308-312.

M, Hitchings, R and Crowston, J, Eds. Glaucoma. Saunders Elsevier, London, UK; 2J009: 165-173.

Bansal, R, Casper, D and Tsai, J: Intraoperative Complications of Trabeculectomy. In: Shaarawy, T, Sherwood,

Casper, DS and Cheung, P: Ophthalmology. In: Russ, A, Endres, S, Eds. Drug Pocket Plus. Börm Bruckmeier Publishing, Hermosa Beach, CA; 2004: 377-407.

Casper, DS and Cheung, P: Ophthalmology. In: Endres, S, Lien, YH, Tyor, WR, Eds. Drug Therapy Pocket. Börm Bruckmeier Publishing, Hermosa Beach, CA; 2003: 235-266.

Casper, DS, Chi, LT, Trokel, SL. Orbital Disease: Imaging & Analysis. Thieme Medical Publishers, NY, NY; 1993.


Rao, R, Jonsson, NJ, Ventura, C, Gelman, R, Lindquist, M, Casper, DS, Chiang, MF: Plus disease in retinopathy of prematurity: diagnostic impact of field of view. Retina. 2012 Jun;32(6):1148-55.

Gelman, SK, Gelman, R, Callahan, AB, Martinez-Perez, ME, Casper, DS, Flynn, JT, Chiang, MF: Plus Disease in Retinopathy of Prematurity: Quantitative Analysis of Standard Published Photograph. Arch Ophthalmol. 2010 Sep;128(9):1217-20.

Chiang MF, Gelman R, Martinez-Perez ME, Du YE, Casper DS, Currie LM, Shah PD, Starren J, Flynn JT: Image analysis for retinopathy of prematurity diagnosis. J AAPOS 2009 Oct;13(5):438-45.

Chiang, MF, Gelman, R, Williams, SL, Lee, J-Y, Casper, DS, Martinez-Perez, ME, Flynn, JT: Plus Disease in Retinopathy of Prematurity: Development of Composite Images by Quantification of Expert Opinion. Invest Ophth Vis Sci. September (2008) 49(9): 4064-4070. (Epub 2008 Apr 11)

Chiang MF, Hwang JC, Yu AC, Casper DS, Cimino JJ, Starren JB: Reliability of SNOMED-CT Coding by Three Physicians using Two Terminology Browsers. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. (2006) 131-135.

Hwang, JC, Yu, AC, Casper, DS, Starren, J, Cimino, JJ, Chiang, MF: Representation of Ophthalmology Concepts by Electronic Systems: Intercoder Agreement among Physicians Using Controlled Terminologies. Ophthalmology (2006)113:511-519.

Chiang, MF, Casper, DS, Cimino, JJ, Starren, J: Representation of Ophthalmology Concepts by Electronic Systems: Adequacy of Controlled Medical Terminologies. Ophthalmology (2005)112:175-183 (Editorial 173-174).

Zhou,W, Hirsch, M, Junk, AK, Casper, DS, Braunstein, R, David, J, Worgul, BV: Evaluation of Lenticonus in Alport's Syndrome: Quantitative Scheimpflug Analysis. Ophthalmologica (2003)217:189-193.

Casper, DS, Simon, JW, Nelson, LB, Porter, IH, Lichtenstein, SB: Familial Simple Ectopia Lentis:A Case Study. J Ped Ophthalmol & Strabismus (1985) 22(6):227-230.

Casper, DS, and Reif-Lehrer, L: Effects of Alpha-aminoadipate Isomers on the Morphology of the Isolated Chick Embryo Retina. Invest Ophth Vis Sci (1983) 24:1480-1488.

Casper, DS, Trelstad, RL, Reif-Lehrer, L: Age-Dependent Effects of Glutamate on Photoreceptor Cells of the Isolated Chick Embryo Retina. J Neuropath Exp Neurol (1982) 41 (5):522-535.

Casper, DS, Trelstad, RL, Reif-Lehrer, L: Glutamate-Induced Cellular Injury in Isolated Chick Embryo Retina: Müller Cell Localization of Initial Effects. J Comp Neurol (1982) 209:79-90.

Blanks, JC, Reif-Lehrer, L, Casper, DS: Effects of Monosodium Glutamate on the Isolated Retina of the Chick Embryo as a Function of Age: A Morphological Study. Exp Eye Res (1981) 32:105-124.