Berrie Center Educators Win Team Building Award
Congratulations to the Adult and Pediatric Diabetes Education Teams at the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center for winning the Team Building Award from Columbia University Irving Medical Center. The quarterly team building award recognizes the patient care team who consistently demonstrates teamwork in action. A Patient Recognition Committee at the medical center votes monthly on award winners.
"This group of professionals, all registered dietitians (RDs) or registered nurses (RNs) with additional training and high-level expertise in diabetes education, are an integral and invaluable part of the Diabetes Team," said Jacqueline Salas-Spiegel, MD. "They work hand in hand with clinicians at all levels to ensure patients are properly trained in diabetes self-care, particularly ensuring that patients have all the tools needed for their safety while using the advanced technology of insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring systems. The educators establish close relationships with patients and bring any significant concerns to light in weekly meetings, so that they may be addressed by the entire medical team, consistently demonstrating teamwork in action. They do this for patients of all ethnicities, cultures, and socio-economic levels, removing barriers and trying to make patients equally informed participants in their care. Additionally, they partner with pregnant women with diabetes, providing continuous weekly diabetes counseling and care before, during and after pregnancy to optimize healthcare outcomes. They also facilitate safe transfer of patients from pediatric to adult diabetes care."
The award winners are Rosemary McNeil, RN, Devorah Brickman, RD, Leora Apfelbaum, RD, Tamar Kane, RD, Mary Farkouh, RN, Kaylee Seekon, RD, Moriah Sirotkin, RN, Agnes Garfield, NP and Maria Garcon, NP.
The team was nominated by Jacqueline Salas-Spiegel, MD.