For Medical Students

By participating in Q Clinic, medical students gain experience working with a diverse patient population and exposure to LGBTQ+ health issues that often are not included in the traditional medical school curriculum. Our clinic model is focused on student education, patient interaction, and longitudinal care. Older medical students work with pre-clinical students to interview, examine, and create treatment plans with patients. They present their assessments to the supervising attending physician to ensure quality of care. Through this process, they gain an invaluable educational experience.
We offer sensitivity training to all our medical students. Q Clinic also organizes educational events on the medical campus about LGBTQ+, and all are welcome to attend.
Volunteering Schedule
Students commit to being at Q Clinic every Wednesday. They should expect to arrive at 6:00 pm and stay until closing, which may be as late as 10:00 pm. The clinic operates out of the Metropolitan Community Church of New York Charities (MCCNY) at 446 West 36th Street, which is accessible from campus by the A train.
In addition to clinic hours, the time commitment includes:
- A leadership educational and working lunch every week for pre-clinical students
- Occasional outreach events
- Responsibilities for your leadership position
How to Volunteer With Q Clinic
If you are a first-year Columbia University medical student, our annual recruitment takes place at the beginning of the school year. Come find us at P&S Club Fair, the all-clinic information session, and the Q clinic meet-and-greet.
If you are a senior medical student, please email about working at Q Clinic as a clinical student. Also, watch for our recruitment emails during the year.
If you are a student enrolled in other programs at Columbia, please email us with your background and interests.
For any additional questions, please contact our outreach chair Cathy Shang (, or our education chair Michelle Shui (