Mid-career Faculty Professional Development Series
Mid-career faculty often find themselves at a crossroads after achieving the landmark steppingstone of a promotion. There may be fewer mentors and support mechanisms available to help guide their career development, and choices they face are broader and more complex. This series is designed for those faculty, and covers topics such as understanding and navigating a broader range of career changes, pathways to leadership, leadership competencies, and negotiation.
“Managing Change: The Transactional and Transformative Leader”
This session will focus on strategies for managing transitions, communications and organizational change as leaders.
“Leading with Values”
Mid-career faculty often transition into leadership and management roles as they advance in their careers. This session focuses on how to develop and communicate your “values structure” as a leader. A values structure is useful for motivation, decision making, relationship building, focus and wellbeing for both leaders and their teams.
“Strategizing for Transitions in Your Career”
During this session, senior faculty provide strategies for mid-career transitions, such as taking on new leadership roles, pivoting research focus after tenure and exploring new avenues of work.