International Visiting Students

The Office of Medical Education accepts applications from international students who are approved by schools listed below. Students who attend one of the schools listed below should first contact their school for approval and instructions on how to apply.

If you are an international student from a school not listed below, you are unfortunately not eligible for elective study through the Office of Medical Education under any circumstances. VP&S is not seeking any new affiliation agreements at this time, and VP&S does not coordinate observerships.

Students who attend LCME accredited schools in Canada are not considered international students.

Approved International Schools
Country School
China Fudan University
Peking University
Zhejiang University
Dominican Republic Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña
Ecuador Universidad Internacional del Ecuador
England Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry (St. Bartholomew's)
France University of Paris 
Ireland Royal College of Surgeons
Israel Ben Gurion University / Medical School for International Health (MSIH)
Hebrew University
Sackler School of Medicine New York State Program
Italy University of Rome, La Sapienza
Japan Tokyo Women's Medical University
Keio University
Kyoto University
Korea Seoul National University
Lebanon American University of Beirut
Scotland University of Edinburgh
Spain Universidad de Navarra
Thailand Chiang Mai University
Mahidol University