DPT Class of 2022 Three Year Curriculum
DPT Class of 2022 Curriculum, Accessible Version
Fall semester: (Fall I) 16 weeks including final exams
PHYTM 8100 Gross Anatomy, 7 credit hours, 10 in-class hours per week, 5-12 out of class hours per week. Primary instructor(s): Dr. Stacy Kinirons and Robert Evander
PHYTM 8115 Applied Physiology, 2 credit hours, 2 in-class hours per week, 1-6 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Colleen Brough
PHYTM 8125, Kinesiology & Biomechanics I, 5 credit hours, 7 in-class hours per week, 3-9 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructors: Drs. Cynthia Chiarello & Wing Fu
PHYTM 8211 Professional Leadership & Practice I, 2 credit hours, 2 in-class hours per week, 1-2 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Laurel Daniels Abbruzzese
PHYTM 8301, Examination & Evaluation, 3 credit hours, 4 in-class hours per week, 2-4 out of class hours per week, primary course instructor: Dr. Martha Sliwinski
PHYTM 8704 Evidence-Based Practice I, 2 credit hours, 2 in-class hours per week, 1-6 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Ashwini Rao
Totals: 21 credit hours, 27 in-class hours per week, 13-39 out-of-class hours per week
Spring I: 18 weeks including spring recess and final exams
PHYTM 8003: Clinical Education Seminar I, 0 credit hours, variable in-class hours per week, variable out of class hours per week. Primary course instructors: Drs. Mahlon Stewart & Colleen Brough.
PHYTM 8105 Neuroscience, 4 credit hours, 4 in-class hours per week, 5-12 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructors: Drs. Stacy Kinirons & Ashwini Rao
PHYTM 8112 Medical Screening I, 2 credit hours, 2 in-class hours per week, 1-2 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Michael Johnson
PHYTM 8126 Kinesiology & Biomechanics II, 3 credit hours, 3-4 in-class hours per week, 3-7 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Laurel Daniels Abbruzzese
PHYTM 8130 Movement Science, 2 credit hours, 2 in-class hours per week, 3-9 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Clare Bassile
PHYTM 8303 PT Procedures, 3 credit hours, 4 in-class hours a week, 1-6 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Mahlon Stewart
PHYTM 8308 1st half of semester, Concepts in Therapeutic Exercise, 2 credit hours, 5 in-class hours per week, 3-9 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructors: Drs. Rami Said and Jean Timmerberg
PHYTM 8610 2nd half of semester, PT Management of Orthopedic Conditions I, 2 credit hours, 6 in-class hours per week, 3-9 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Jean Timmerberg
PHYTM 8612 Professional Leadership & Practice II, 2 credit hours, 2 in-class hours per week, 1-3 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Laurel Daniels Abbruzzese
PHYTM 8705, Evidence-Based Practice II, 2 credit hours, 2 in-class hours per week, 1-6 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Ashwini Rao
PHYTM 8849, Service Learning Elective -Guatemala, 2 credit hours, 0 in-class hours. Course is 1 week in Guatemala during spring recess with Dr. Galen Schram
Totals: 22/24 credit hours, 30-31 in-class hours per week, 21-63 + elective
Summer I: 8 weeks including final exams
PHYTM 8310 Physical Modalities, 1 credit hour, 4-5 x 4 weeks in-class hours per week, 2-4 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Wing Fu
PHYTM 8315 Soft Tissue Mobilization: 2 credit hours, 5 in-class hours per week, 1-6 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Kevin Wong
PHYTM 8611, PT Management of Orthopedic Conditions II, 4 credit hours, 9 in-class hours per week, 3-9 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Jean Timmerberg
PHYTM 8634 Clinical Geriatrics, 3 credit hours, 6 in-class hours per week, 3-6 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Laurel Daniels Abbruzzese
PHYTM 8800 Medical Spanish Elective, 0 credit hours, 12.5 in-class hours total, 0 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Mr. Michael Shane (adjunct faculty)
PHYTM 9701 Medical Screening II, 2 credit hours, 2 in-class hours per week, 1-6 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Michael Johnson
Total: 12 credit hours, 26-27 in-class hours per week, 10-31 + (elective) out of class hours per week
Fall IIA: 8 weeks including final exams
PHYTM 8004 Clinical Education Seminar II, 0 credit hours, variable in-class and out of class hours. Hours are determined by the clinical education site. Primary course instructors: Drs. Mahlon Stewart and Colleen Brough
PHYTM 8601 PT Management of Cardiopulmonary Conditions, 3 credit hours, 6 in-class hours per week, 3-9 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructors: Kim Stavrolakes and affiliates of NYPH
PHYTM 8612 PT Management of Orthopedic Conditions III, 4 credit hours, 9 in-class hours per week, 5-12 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Jean Timmerberg
PHYTM 8620 PT Management of the Adult with Neurological Conditions I, 3 credit hours, 6 in-class hours per week, 3-9 out of class hours. Primary course instructors: Drs. Clare Bassile & Martha Sliwinski
PHYTM 8636 Orthotics, 2 credit hours, 4 in-class hours per week, 4-7 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Kevin Wong
PHYTM 8853 Research Practicum I elective, 1 credit hour, 0 in-class hours per week, variable out of class time per week. Primary course instructors: Dr. Jacqueline Montes and faculty.
Totals: 12/13 credit hours, 25 in-class hours per week, 15-37 out of class hours per week + elective
Fall IIB: 8 weeks
PHYTM 8901 Clinical Education I, 0 credit hours, 0 in-class hours per week, 35-45 out of class hours per week. Hours are determined by the clinical affiliation site. Primary course instructors: Drs. Colleen Brough and Mahlon Stewart
Totals: 0 credit hours, 0 in-class hours per week, 260-360 out of class hours per week. Hours determined by the clinical affiliation site.
Spring II-18 weeks including spring recess and final exams
PHYTM 8005 Clinical Education Seminar III, 0 credit hours, variable in-class and out of class hours per week. Primary course instructors: Drs. Mahlon Stewart & Colleen Brough
PHYTM 8560, Professional Leadership & Practice III, 2 credit hours, 2 in-class hours per week, 1-6 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Debra Krasinski
PHYTM 8311, PT Management of Integumentary Impairments (1st half of semester)., 2 credit hours, 4 in-class hours per week, 1-6 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Richie Singson (adjunct faculty)
PHYTM 8613, PT Management of Orthopedic Conditions IV, 5 credit hours, 7 in-class hours per week, 5-9 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Cynthia Chiarello
PHYTM 8612, PT Management of the Adult with Neurological Conditions II: Spinal cord Injuries and Complex Neurological Patients, 5 credit hours, 6 in-class hours per week, 5-12 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructors: Drs. Martha Sliwinski & Clare Bassile
PHYTM 8630, PT Management of Pediatric Conditions, 5 credit hours, 6 in-class hours per week, 5-12 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Drs. Lisa Yoon and Margaret O’Neil
PHYTM 8637, Prosthetics (2nd half of semester). 2 credit hours, 5 in-class hours per week, 1-4 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Kevin Wong
PHYTM 8854 Research Practicum II Elective, 1 credit hour, 0 in-class hours per week, variable out of class hours per week. Does not meet on a weekly basis. Primary course instructors: Dr. Jacqueline Montes and faculty.
PHYTM 8849, Service Learning Elective-Guatemala, 2 credit hours, 0 in class hours per week. One week in Guatemala during spring break with Dr. Galen Schram
Totals: 21-24 credit hours, 30 in-class hours per week (variable), 18-49 out of class hours per week, + elective
Summer II-10 weeks
PHYTM 8902 Intermediate Clinical Education Experience, 0 credit hours, 0 in-class hours per week, 35-45 out of class hours per week. Hours are determined by the clinical affiliation site. Primary course instructors: Drs. Mahlon Stewart and Colleen Brough
PHYTM 8849 Service Learning Elective-Guatemala, 2 credit hours, 0 in-class hours per week. One week in August with Dr. Lisa Yoon
Totals: 0 credit hours, 0 in-class hours per week, 350-450 out of class hours + elective
Fall III (16 weeks including exams and completion of projects)
PHYTM 8007 Clinical Education Seminar IV, 0 credit hours, variable in and out of class hours per week. Primary course instructors: Drs. Mahlon Stewart and Colleen Brough
PHYTM 8217 Professional Leadership & Practice IV, 5 credit hours, variable in-class hours per week, 3-6 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructors: Drs. Laurel Abbruzzese & Debra Krasinski; Martha Sliwinski, Michael Johnson, Lila Abbate, Mary Jean Taylor
PHYTM 9040 Clinical Case Management Seminar, 2 credit hours, variable in-class hours per week, 2-6 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Wing Fu
PHYTM 9072 Medical Screening III, 2 credit hours, 2 in-class hours per week, 2-3 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructors: Drs. Michael Johnson & William Boissonnault (adjunct faculty)
PHYTM 9041 Complex Medical Conditions, 2 credit hours, 2 in-class hours per week, variable out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Wing Fu
Advanced Seminars: Select one
PHYTM 9015: Advanced Seminar in Orthopedics, 4 credit hours, variable in-class hours per week, 4-6 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructors: Drs. Kevin Wong and Evan Johnson
PHYTM 9025 Advanced Seminar in Adult Neurorehabilitation, 4 credit hours, variable in-class hours per week, 5-12 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Clare Bassile
PHYTM 9035 Advanced Seminar in Pediatrics, 4 credit hours, variable in-class hours per week, 5-12 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Lisa Yoon
NOTE: Additional hours outside of class to participate in rounds, conferences, clinics, and other patient care activities at CUIMC and external clinical sites.
Totals (required coursework): 14 credit hours, variable in-class hours per week, 12 plus variable out of class hours per week.
PHYTM 8801 Elder Interdisciplinary Program, 1 credit hour. Variable in and out of class hours. Primary course instructors: Dr. Lauren Daniels Abbruzzese
PHYTM 8802 Spinal Cord Injury and Spinal Mobility, 1 credit hour, variable in and out of class hours. Primary course instructor: Dr. Martha Sliwinski
PHYTM 8804 Integrative Therapies, 1 credit hour, 2 in class hours per week for 8 weeks, 1-2 out of class hours. Primary course instructors-: Dr. William Gallagher and Richard Sabel (adjunct faculty)
PHYTM 8812 Vestibular Rehabilitation (required for students in the Adult Neurorehabilitation and Pediatric advanced topic courses, PHYT M9025 and PHYT M9035). 1 credit hour, variable in class hours per week, 6-12 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructors: David Malamut (adjunct faculty)
PHYTM 8815 Pelvic Health, 1 credit hour, 4 in-class hours per week for 7 weeks; 1-6 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Lila Abbate (adjunct faculty)
PHYTM 8825 Sports Rehabilitation, 1 credit hour, variable in-class hours per week 1-4 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Rami Said
PHYTM 8830 Hand Rehabilitation, 1 credit hour, variable in-class hours per week, 1-4 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Sue Michlovitz (adjunct faculty)
PHYTM 8832 Foot and Ankle Rehabilitation, 1 credit hour, variable in-class hours per week, 3-6 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Cameron Gomez (adjunct faculty)
PHYTM 8833 Craniofacial Pain of Cervicogenic Origin: Headaches and Temporomandibular Disorders, 1 credit hour, 4 in-class hours per week for 10 weeks, 1-4 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Jeffrey Mannheimer (adjunct faculty)
PHYTM 8835 Performing Arts PT, 1 credit hour, variable in-class hours per week, 3-6 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Cameron Gomez (adjunct faculty)
PHYTM 8845 Teaching Practicum: Lecture, 1 credit hour, variable in and out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Stacy Kinirons and faculty
PHYTM 8846 Teaching Practicum: Laboratory, 1 credit hour, variable in and out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Stacy Kinirons and faculty
PHYTM 8847 Teaching Practicum: Small Groups, 1 credit hour, variable in and out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Cynthia Charello and faculty
PHYTM 8855 Research Practicum III, 1 credit hour, variable in and out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Jacqueline Montes and faculty
PHYTM 8857 Management of the Running Athlete, 1 credit hour, variable in and out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Dr. Colleen Brough
PHYTM 9005 Topics in Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, 1 credit hour, variable in and out of class hours per week. Primary course instructor: Kimberly Stavrolakes (adjunct faculty)
Total: 10 credit hours
Summer III (18 weeks)
PHYTM 9200 Terminal Clinical Experience, 0 credit hours, 0 in-class hours per week, 35-45 out of class hours per week. Primary course instructors: Drs. Mahlon Stewart and Colleen Brough. Note: Hours are determined by the clinical affiliation site.
Totals: 0- credit hours, 0 in class hours. 630-810 hours + elective
Faculty reserve the right to revise the curriculum as deemed necessary