The Department of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine at Columbia University has a reputation for excellence in the variety of educational programs we offer. Since welcoming our first trainees in the 1940s, our department continues to provide students, residents, and fellows with the best possible instruction, experience, and support. We are proud to see our alumni go on to become leaders in all areas of physiatric practice.
Our residency program in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is ranked among the top in the nation. Additionally, we offer physiatrists further training in subspecialty areas within the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
Furthermore, Columbia University has highly acclaimed graduate degree programs in physical and occupational therapy. Our department also offers rotations for medical students.
Our Programs
Learn more about the wide range of programs we offer at all levels:
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Residency Program
- Sports Medicine Fellowship
- Pediatric Rehabilitation Fellowship
- Medical Student Electives
- Physical Therapy Program
- Occupational Therapy Program
Contact Us
We welcome you to contact our PM&R Residency, fellowship, physical therapy, and occupational therapy programs for more information.
PM&R Residency and Fellowship Programs
For information regarding the PM&R Residency/fellowship programs please contact:
Cindy Volack
Phone: 212-305-8592
Fax: 212-305-4258
Email: volackc@nyp.org
Eloise Vasquez
Email: els9179@nyp.org
Program in Physical Therapy
For information regarding the Program in Physical Therapy, please contact:
Columbia University Program in Physical Therapy
Georgian Building
617 West 168th Street, 3rd Floor
New York, NY 10032
Phone: 212-305-5267
Email: ptadmissions@cumc.columbia.edu
Program in Occupational Therapy
For information regarding the Program in Occupational Therapy, please contact:
Susanna “Susie” Mayas
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 212-305-0472
Email: sem2254@cumc.columbia.edu
Our PM&R Residency Program Alumni
Through exceptional contributions in patient care, research, and education, our alumni have gone on to advance the field of rehabilitation and regenerative medicine.
If you are missing from our list or have classmates who are missing, please contact
Johaira De Jesus
Administrative Coordinator
Phone: 212-305-8020
Email: jd3349@cumc.columbia.edu
Class of 2022:
- Chen, Heidi, MD
- Chin, Joseph, MD
- D’Onofrio, Gerard, MD (Chief Resident)
- Patel, Ankur, DO
- Roberts, Jeremy, MD (Chief Resident)
- Stumph, Jordan, MD (Chief Resident)
- Tran, Anthony, MD
- Tsetlina, Vera, MD
Class of 2021:
- Batka, Richard, MD
- Erby, Matthew, MD
- Erosa, Samantha, MD (Chief Resident)
- First, Lucas, MD (Chief Resident)
- Oh, Daniel, MD
- Palatulan, Eugene, MD
- Rief, Katherine, MD (Chief Resident)
- Schirripa, Frank, DO
Class of 2020:
- William Douglas, DO
- Kaile Eison, DO (Chief)
- Paul Haffey, DO
- Hanna Oh, MD (Chief)
- Neal Rakesh, MD
- Krutika Raulkar, MD
- Caroline Schepker, DO
- Kristian Von Rickenbach, MD (Chief)
Class of 2019:
- Rosa Cho, MD
- Behnum Habibi, MD
- Susie Kwon, MD
- Charles Scott, MD (Chief)
- Yodit Tefera, MD (Chief)
- Christine Townsend, MD
- Jenny Yuan, MD (Chief)
- Mimi Zheng, MD
Class of 2018:
- Scott Barbuto, MD (Chief)
- Michelle Chi, MD (Chief)
- James Huber, DO
- Wade Johnson, DO (Chief)
- Jennifer Moody, MD
- Leia Rispoli, MD
- Jasmin Singh, MD
- Jerry Thomas, DO
Class of 2017:
- Kathryn Gulfo, MD
- Anish Mirchandani, DO
- Kristina Quirolgico, MD
- Fabiola Reyes, MD (Chief)
- Blossom Samuels, MD
- Isaac Syrop, MD
- Ali Valimahomed, MD (Chief)
- Rachel Welbel, MD (Chief)
Class of 2016:
- Eliana Cardozo, DO
- Nasim Chowdhury, MD
- Jonathan Chu, MD
- David Cormier, DO (Chief)
- Leigh Hanke, MD
- Vincent Miccio, MD (Chief)
- Michael Saulle, DO (Chief)
- Katherine Yao, MD
Class of 2015:
- Amishi Dhana, DO
- Megan Frantz, MD (Chief)
- Orlee Hamer, DO
- Danielle Sarno, MD (Chief)
- Arum Kim, MD
- Priyesh Mehta, DO
- Ethan Rand, MD (Chief)
- Aura Shoval, MD (Chief)
Class of 2014:
- Jason Donnelly, MD
- Jennifer Gomez, MD (Chief)
- James Lee, MD
- Niall Monaghan, MD (Chief)
- Paul Scholten, MD (Chief)
- Caroyln Thompson, DO
- Diane Thompson, MD
- David Woznica, MD
Class of 2013:
- Marwa Ahmed, MD
- Brite Chalunkal, DO
- Marni Hillinger, MD (Chief)
- Alex Martinez, MD
- Elizabeth Nguyen, MD (Chief)
- Libi Galmer, DO
- Grisha Syrikin, MD
- Gaurav Telhan, MD (Chief)
Class of 2012:
- Jessica Au, MD
- Anna-Christina Bevelaqua, MD (Chief)
- Annemarie Gallagher, MD (Chief)
- Kasia Ibanez, MD
- Mously Le Blanc, MD
- Stephen Massimi, MD (Chief)
- Brandon Sorensen, MD
- Andrew Toy, MD
Class of 2011:
- Jean (Mahler) Bachar, MD
- David Cheng, MD (Chief)
- Jose Ibarbia, MD
- Tamar Kessel, MD
- Allison Mechels-Pettinelli, MD
- Michelle Sirak, MD
- Lyssa Sorkin, MD (Chief)
- Eric Wistozky, MD (Chief)
Class of 2010:
- Amir Annabi, MD
- Mehu Garala, MD (Chief)
- Jason Hu, MD (Chief)
- Laura Manfield, DO
- Carisa Pearce, MD
- Lisa Ruppert, MD (Chief)
- Thomas Saullo, MD
- Seth Schran, MD
Class of 2009:
- Divya Agrawal, MD
- Ellen Babinsky, DO
- Lauren Elson, MD (Chief)
- Dmitriy Fuzaylov, MD
- Victor Ibrahim, MD (Chief)
- Ruby Kim, MD
- Zinovy Meyler, DO (Chief)
- Joseph Rothenberg, MD
Class of 2008:
- Alan Anschel, MD
- Ana Bracilovic, MD
- Kristen Cardamone, DO
- Neil Chatterjee, MD
- Stacey Franz, DO (Chief)
- Aditi Menon, MD
- Jeffrey Radecki, MD (Chief)
- Patrick Sonser, MD (Chief)
Class of 2007:
- Ruth Alejandro, MD (Chief)
- Grant Cooper, MD
- Marc Effron, MD
- Alita Gonsalves, MD
- Aaron Levine, MD (Chief)
- Elizabeth Manejias, MD (Chief)
- Jason Melnick, MD
- Elise Weiss, MD
Class of 2006:
- Victoria Chan-Harrison, MD (Chief)
- Denise Chang, MD
- Juliana Khowong, MD (Chief)
- Pearl Kim, MD
- David Manevitz, DO
- Shikha Sethi, MD
- Ramnik Singh, MD (Chief)
- Alex Visco, MD
Class of 2005:
- Marina Babiy, MD
- Ainsworth Farrell, MD
- Thomas Frates, MD
- Paula Ann Lidestri, MD
- Linda Okereke, MD
- Alena Polesin, MD (Chief)
- Jonathan Raanan, MD (Chief)
- Yusuf Tatli, MD (Chief)
Class of 2004:
- Erica David, MD
- Leela Engineer, MD
- Marcia Griffin-Hansraj, DO
- Joseph Herrera, DO
- William Kane, MD
- James Keffer, DO
- Akiko Omura, MD
- Mike Pappas, DO
Class of 2003:
- Columbia:
- Rachel Bergang, MD (Chief)
- Daniel Herera, MD
- Phoung Mai, MD
- Jonathan Rudnick, MD (Chief)
- Chandra Sunderhaus, DO
- Cornell:
- Lisha Barre, MD
- Guatam Khakhar, MD
- Damon Noto, MD
- Daniel Southern, MD
Class of 2002:
- Columbia:
- Faheem Abassi, MD
- Bhavini Chandarana, MD
- Maria Dajoyag, MD
- Arpad Fejos, MD
- Rajesh Rao, MD
- Cornell:
- Mark Finno, MD
- Robert Florio, MD
- Lu Han, MD
- Gabriela Jano, DO
- Julie Lin, MD
- Saima Samdami, MD
Class of 2001:
- Columbia:
- Jaisheree Capoor, MD (Chief)
- Raj Capoor, MD
- Rachel Oliker, MD
- Yimin Shong, MD
- Michael Stubblefield, MD
- Scott Woska, MD
- Cornell:
- Thomas Agesen, MD
- Cameron Khor, MD
- Igor Khromov, MD
- Michelle McFarlane, MD
- Neal Mesnick, MD
- Thomas Stephenson, MD
- Susan Wu, MD (Chief)
- Yuting (David) Xiong, MD
Class of 2000:
- Columbia:
- Wing Chang, MD
- Angela D'Alessandro, MD
- Yefim Sosonkim, MD
- Kevin Sperber, MD
- William Cheng Wang, MD
- Cornell:
- Stephen Andrus, MD
- Su Liu, MD
- Nasar Shahid, MD (Chief)
- Sanghan Song, MD
- Jidong Sun, MD
Class of 1999:
- Columbia:
- Melissa Adaniel, MD
- Maria Cabodevilla-Conn, MD
- Krystyna Pisarske, DO
- Germaine Rowe-Nagel, MD
- Young Tak, MD
- Cornell:
- Marietta Babayev, MD
- Stephen Geiger, MD
- Nicole Golding, MD
- Kathleen Mandy, MD
Class of 1998:
- Columbia:
- Kathleen Boncimino, MD
- Shevin Pollydone, MD
- Joseph Taverni, MD
- Patricia Tsung, MD
- Mary Vazquez-Gonzalez, MD
- Cornell:
- Andrew Berlowe, MD
- Joseph Condon, MD
- Mahender Goriganti, MD
- Robert Pannullo, MD
- Maria Pirraglia, MD
- Akifa Samdani, MD
Class of 1997:
- Columbia:
- Keith Angell
- Daniel Cheng, MD
- Patricia Hong, MD
- David Reich, MD
- Barry Rodstein, MD
- Carolyn Schiff, MD
- Cornell:
- Debra Braverman, MD
- Alicia Ferraro, MD
- Sarosh Quereshy, MD
Class of 1996:
- Columbia:
- Inocencia Carrano, MD
- Benigno Decena, MD
- Kathryn Donohue-DeSouza, MD (Chief)
- Matthew Keum, MD
- William Lichtenfeld, MD
- Sunitha Polepalle, MD
- Reuben Sloan, MD
- Cornell:
- Allison Henry-Comrie, MD
- Aubrey Ku, MD (Chief)
Class of 1995:
- Columbia:
- Romilla Anwar, MD
- Joseph Audette, MD
- Jock Avolio, MD (Chief)
- Matthew Bartels, MD (Chief)
- Adam Isaacson, MD
- Paula Schwarz, DO
- Cornell:
- Adrienne Denese, MD
- Siobhan O'Connor, MD
- Marlene Perez, MD
- Robert Schulman, MD
- Ranee Shenoi, MD
Class of 1994:
- Columbia:
- Beth Sandy Aaronson, MD (Chief)
- Arnel Brion, MD
- Roseann Colello, MD
- James Dillard, MD
- Martin Hasenfeld, MD
- Cornell:
- Mark Bodack, MD
- Frank Collier, MD
Class of 1993:
- Columbia:
- Elizabeth Baker, MD
- Eric Jacobson, MD
- Priscilla Kaszubski, DO
- Mark Klaiman, MD
- Paul Joseph Nittoli, MD (Chief)
- William Pesce, DO
- Cornell:
- Beverly Pattillo, MD
- Benjamin Warfel, MD (Chief)
Class of 1992:
- Columbia:
- Stuart Kahn, MD
- Jerrold Kaplan, MD (Chief)
- Alyse Katz-Sicklick, MD
- Edward Phillips, MD
- Randall Schultz, MD
- Joel Stein MD (Chief)
- Cornell:
- Susana Duncan, MD
- Neal Dunkelman, MD
- Dorota Gribbin, MD
- Kevin Ladin, MD
Class of 1991:
- Columbia:
- Malcolm Reid, MD (Chief)
- Marc Rosen, MD
- David Rosenblum, MD (Chief)
- Gregg Singer, MD
- Andrea Wilcox, MD
- Daniel Yeager, MD
Class of 1990:
- Columbia:
- William DeMayo, MD
- David Miller, MD
- Elizabeth Narcessian, MD
- Zachary Pine, MD (Chief)
- Susan Stickevers, MD
- Cornell:
- Jack Rook, MD (Chief)
Class of 1989:
- Columbia:
- Steven Beck, MD
- Andrew Cole, MD
- Daniel Fechtner, MD
- Gregory Mulford, MD
- Steven Novack, MD
- William Tham, MD (Chief)
- Cornell:
- Michael Brennan, MD
- Hope (Schuyler) Hacker, MD
- Timothy Hall, MD
- Michael Sinel, MD
- John Sklar, MD
Class of 1988:
- Columbia:
- Joanne Borg-Stein, MD
- Terry Shawchuk, MD
- Jerald Zimmerman, MD
- Cornell:
- Gail Pugliese, MD (Chief)
Class of 1987:
- Columbia:
- Ronald Gonzalez-Segarra, MD
- Keith Hunter, MD
- Diana Whiteman, MD
- Cornell:
- Vishnu Deo-Narine, MD
Class of 1986:
- Columbia:
- Jose Alonso, MD
- Michael Romano, MD
- Carole Simpson, MD
- Curtis Slipman, MD
- Cornell:
- Vera Bingham, MD
Class of 1985:
- Columbia:
- Alan Keith Gruskin, DO (Chief)
- Louis Hysni, MD
- Cornell:
- Reuben Ingber, MD
- Ronald Schilling, MD
- Gloria Sosa, MD
Class of 1984:
- Columbia:
- William Berman, MD
- David Jacobs, MD
- Steven Ribaudo, MD (Chief)
- Marc Rosenblatt, DO
- Cornell:
- Michael Brien, MD
- Phil Cambe, MD
Class of 1983:
- Columbia:
- Michael Vincent Canale, MD
- Michael Hajdu, MD
- Jonathan Paul Quevedo, MD
Class of 1982:
- Columbia:
- Donald Liss, MD
- John Raftis, MD
- Joseph Weiss, MD
- Cornell:
- Irina Barkin, MD
- Gustavo Ros, MD
Class of 1981:
- Columbia:
- Christine Beck, MD
- Howard Liss, MD (Chief)
- Venkateswaraiyer Subramoni, MD
- Cornell:
- Ramana Amar, MD
- Eden Atienza, MD
- Sosamma George, MD
- Subhadra Nori, MD
- Rebecca Reyes, MD
Class of 1980:
- Columbia:
- Charles Marshall, MD
- Jay Mendelsohn, MD
- Frances Reardon, MD
Class of 1979:
- Columbia:
- Mark Bennet, MD
- Richard Schlesinger, MD
- Edward Zabawa, MD
Class of 1978:
- Columbia:
- Mathew Mammen-Mathia, MD
- Jonathan Moldover, MD
- Farhad Nowroozi, MD
- Cornell:
- Alethea Hsu, MD
- Mahendra Kakarla, MD
- Stephen List, MD
Class of 1977:
- Columbia:
- Miguel Oliveros, MD
- John Anthony Porcelli, MD (Chief)
- Ronald Rigolosi, MD
- Cornell:
- Herminia Festin, MD
- Kyung Lee, MD
- Leopoldo Sunga, MD
Class of 1976:
- Columbia:
- Jung Ho Cho, MD
- Tarikere Devi, MD
- Manjit Kaur Dhaliwal, MD
- Kathleen Watson-Walters, MD (Chief)
- Cornell:
- Jayendra Shah, MD
Class of 1975:
- Columbia:
- Yee-Chong Chen, MD
- Antoinette Sutherland, MD (Chief)
- Cornell:
- Jean Pierre Romanace, MD
Class of 1974:
- Cornell:
- Kanta Shah, MD
Class of 1973:
- Columbia:
- Dong Wook Cho, MD
- Alfred Hess, DO
Class of 1972:
- Columbia:
- Lenore Gladstone, MD
- Erwin Gonzalez, MD (Chief)
- Damyanti Moorjani, MD
Class of 1970:
- Columbia:
- Hector Birman, MD
- Luis Bonilla, MD
- Cayetano Co, MD
- Lewis Khella, MD
Class of 1968:
- Columbia:
- Sang Kim, MD
- Stanley Myers, MD
Class of 1967:
- Columbia:
- Asja Kornfeld, MD
Class of 1963:
- Columbia:
- Ludmilla Finkelstein, MD
Class of 1962:
- Columbia:
- Anna Maas, MD
Class of 1958:
- Columbia:
- Carlos Aruturo Hidalgo-Cestero, MD
Class of 1956:
- Columbia:
- Lucille Tsu Pai, MD
Class of 1953:
- Columbia:
- Li-Ching Yen Chen, MD