Early Career Faculty Caregiving Support for Professional Travel
The Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons was one of ten institutions awarded the NIH Prize for Enhancing Faculty Gender Diversity in Biomedical and Behavioral Science. The $50,000 award will be used to further support the advancement and equity of early career faculty at VP&S.
Based on recommendations from faculty, the office will use these funds to cover caregiving expenses (for either a child or elder/adult’s needs) for early career faculty during conferences at which they are presenting. Funds may be used for in-person or online conference attendance for expenses related to caregiving during the conference (i.e., back-up care payments, added caregiving costs, etc.).
Funding will be based on costs as outlined by the candidate, up to a maximum of $1,000 for one-time use per individual.
Eligibility Criteria:
To participate, faculty members must meet the following criteria:
- Must have a full-time primary appointment at the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons (VP&S)
- Be at the Assistant Professor rank (“at CUMC” track or tenure track)
- Must be presenting at (not just attending) a domestic and/or international meeting for their discipline
Note: Administrators, adjuncts, visitors, and part-time faculty are not eligible for this program.
Award Use:
The Early Career Faculty Caregiving Support for Professional Travel Fund can be used to support reasonable and approved expenses up to a maximum of $1,000 for a one-time use per individual. Funding will be based on costs as outlined by the candidate.
Award funds may be used toward the following expenditures:
- Caregiving at home or conference venue (up to $300 of caregiving expenses will be covered per day).
- Travel expenses for children/dependent(s)’ caregiver (e.g., coach airfare, train travel, and mileage) during the trip with the sole purpose of caring for the children/dependent(s).*
- Travel expenses for children/dependent(s).
- Please note the cost of storing and shipping breastmilk is now covered by Maven Milk.
*Mileage covered in accordance with IRS guidelines for business expenses. Travel will be covered in accordance with Columbia University travel policy.
Application Process:
Faculty must submit the following materials to the VP&S Office for Women and Diverse Faculty: women_diversefaculty@cumc.columbia.edu. Applications will be reviewed and granted on a rolling basis until funds run out. Please send requests at least two weeks before the conference date.
Applications should include:
- Invitation or acceptance (i.e., for speaking engagement or poster presentation)
- Updated CV (in CUIMC format)
Payment Method:
Early career faculty will be eligible to receive up to $1,000 in funding for one-time use per person. Funds will be distributed as additional compensation (added directly to your paycheck) after the conference/presentation has taken place and receipts have been submitted.
Please send the VP&S Office for Women and Diverse Faculty an email if you have any questions: women_diversefaculty@cumc.columbia.edu.