Schindler Lab Publications

  1. Grinberg-Bleyer, Y., Caron, R., Seeley, J.J., De Silva, N.S., Schindler, C.W., Hayden, M.S., Klein, U. and Ghosh, S. (2018) The alternative NF-kappaB pathway in regulatory T cell homeostasis and suppressive function. J. Immunol. 200: 2362-2371.
  2. Majoros, A., Platanitis, E., Szappanos, D., Cheon, H.J., Vogl, C., Shukla, P., Stark, G.R., Sexl, V., Schreiber, R., Schindler, C., Müller, M. and Decker, T. (2016) Response to interferons and antibacterial innate immunity in absence of tyrosine-phosphorylated STAT1. EMBO Reports 17:367-382.
  3. Abdul-Sater, A.A., Majoros, A., Plumlee, C.R., Perry, S., Gu, A.D., Lee, C., Shresta, S., Decker, T. and Schindler, C. (2015) Different STAT transcription complexes drive early and delayed responses to Type I IFNs. J. Immunol. 195: 210-216.
  4. Cha, S.J., Park, K., Srinivasan, P., Schindler, C.W., van Rooijen, N., Stins, M. and Jacobs-Lorena, M. (2015) CD68 acts as a major gateway for malaria sporozoite liver infection. J. Exp. Med.212: 1391-1403.
  5. Abdul-Sater, A.A., Tattoli, I., Jin, L., Grajkowski, A., Levi, A., Koller, B.H., Allen, I.C., Beaucage, S.L., Fitzgerald, K.A., Ting, J.P., Cambier, J.C., Girardin, S.E. and Schindler, C. (2013) Cyclic-di-GMP and cyclic-di-AMP activate the NLRP3 inflammasome. EMBO Rep. 14: 900-906.
  6. Abdul-Sater, A.A., Grajkowski, A., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Plumlee, C., Levi, A., Schreiber, M.T., Lee, C., Shuman, H., Beaucage, S.L. and Schindler, C. (2012) The overlapping host responses to bacterial cyclic dinucleotides. Microbes Infect. 14: 188-197.
  7. Parker, D., Martin, F.J., Soong, G., Harfenist, B.S., Aguilar, J.L., Ratner, A.J., Fitzgerald, K.A., Schindler, C. and Prince, A. (2011) Streptococcus pneumoniae DNA initiates type I interferon signaling in the respiratory tract. mBio 17: e00016-11.
  8. Song, L., Lee, C. and Schindler, C. (2011) Deletion of the murine scavenger receptor CD68. J. Lipid Res. 52: 1542-1550.
  9. Farlik, M., Reutterer, B., Schindler, C., Greten, F., Vogl, C., Muller, M. and Decker, T. (2010) Nonconventional initiation complex assembly by STAT and NF-kappaB transcription factors regulates nitric oxide synthase expression. Immunity 33: 25-34.
  10. Melillo, J.A., Song, L., Bhagat, G., Blazquez, A.B., Plumlee, C.R., Lee, C., Berin, C., Reizis, B. and Schindler, C. (2010) Dendritic cell (DC)-specific targeting reveals Stat3 as a negative regulator of DC function. J. Immunol. 184: 2638-2645.
  11. Plumlee, C.R., Lee, C., Beg, A.A., Decker, T., Shuman, H.A. and Schindler, C. (2009) Interferons direct an effective innate response to Legionella pneumophila infection. J. Biol. Chem. 284: 30058-30066.
  12. Martin, F.J., Gomez, I.M., Wetzel, M., Memmi, G., O'Seaghdha, M., Soong G., Schindler, C. and Prince, A. (2009) S. aureus activates type I IFN signaling through the Xr repeated sequences of protein A. J. Clin. Invest. 115: 1931-1939.
  13. Zhao, W., Lee, C., Piganis, R., Plumlee, C., de Weerd, N., Hertzog, P.J. and Schindler, C. (2008) A conserved IFN-alpha receptor tyrosine motif directs the biological response to type I IFNs. J. Immunol. 180: 5483-5489.
  14. Schindler, C. and Plumlee, C. (2008) IFN-Is pen the JAK-STAT pathway. Sem. Cell Dev. Biol. 19: 311-318.
  15. Zhao, W., Cha, E.N., Lee, C., Park, C.Y. and Schindler, C. (2007) Stat2-dependent regulation of MHC class II expression. J. Immunol. 179: 463-471.
  16. Schindler, C., Levy, D.E. and Decker, T. (2007) JAK-STAT signaling: from interferons to cytokines. J. Biol. Chem. 282: 20059-20063.
  17. Kisseleva, T., Song, L., Vorontchikhina, M., Feirt, N., Kitajewski, J. and Schindler, C. (2006) NFkB regulation of endothelial cell function during LPS toxemia and cancer. J. Clin. Invest.116: 2955-2953.
  18. Song, L., Battacharya, S., Yunis, A.A., Lima, C.D. and Schindler, C. (2006) SUMO modification of Stat1. Blood 108: 3237-3244.
  19. Song, L., Leung, C. and Schindler, C. (2001) Lymphocytes are important in atherosclerosis. J. Clin. Invest. 108: 251-259.
  20. Park, C., Li, S., Cha, E. and Schindler, C. (2000) Immune response in Stat2 knock-out mice. Immunity 13: 795-804.
  21. Azam, M., Lee, C., Strehlow, I. and Schindler, C. (1997) Functional distinct isoforms of Stat5 are generated by protein processing. Immunity 6: 691-701.
  22. Gupta, S., Pablo, A.M., Jiang, X-c., Wang, N., Tall. A.R. and Schindler, C. (1997) IFN-gamma potentiates atherosclerosis in apoE knock-out mice. J. Clin. Invest. 99: 2752-2761.
  23. Schindler, C., Shuai, K., Prezioso, V. and Darnell, J.E. (1992) Interferon-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of a latent cytoplasmic transcription factor. Science 257: 809-813.