VP&S White Coat Ceremony Welcomes Class of 2027
The newest students at VP&S received their white coats at an Aug. 11 ceremony at the Armory. The 2023 ceremony marked the 30th anniversary of the Arnold P. Gold White Coat Ceremony at VP&S. Dr. Gold, longtime professor of neurology and pediatrics, created the ceremony to reinforce a strong commitment to humanism among students.
The importance of humanism in medicine—especially amid such societal adversity as climate change, inequity, and threats to social and reproductive justice—was emphasized by Katrina Armstrong, MD, dean of VP&S, in her remarks to the new students. “The scientific advances that we bring to address the challenges of today have never been greater, but our ability to exercise these advancements feels threatened daily, and our society is in deep need of the healing and compassion that your white coat symbolizes for so many people.”
Students also heard from David D. Ho, MD, the Clyde’56 and Helen Wu Professor of Medicine and professor of microbiology & immunology at VP&S. Dr. Ho is the founding scientific director of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center and, since caring for some of the first-known AIDS patients as a young resident, has been at the forefront of AIDS research for 40 years.
“Medicine is a noble profession of helping patients, one at a time, one day at a time,” Dr. Ho said. “A common refrain is that the practice of medicine has been taken out of the hands of doctors, who are being unduly burdened by bureaucratic red tape. It’s on you as the next generation of doctors to take back our honorable profession. Any one of you could cast a giant shadow on the medical field.”
After receiving their white coats, members of the Class of 2027 continued a tradition begun by VP&S medical students in 2021 by reciting an oath they wrote themselves. Their words were carefully crafted to update the Hippocratic Oath to better reflect the values they wish to uphold as they enter their medical training.
Class of 2027 Oath
In our profession it is a custom, established more than 2,000 years ago, to articulate and commit to our guiding values, influenced by both the past and present, before accepting the privilege of caring for our fellow humans as students of medicine.
We recognize that the privilege of receiving medical training and expertise comes with great responsibilities.
I make this pledge to myself, my classmates and future colleagues, and the individuals and communities I will serve.
I vow to accept my duties humbly but to advocate, advance, and serve boldly.
We acknowledge that long-standing power dynamics, paired with unjust treatment, have created systemic barriers that stratify and marginalize vulnerable populations even today.
I vow to translate this awareness into action by combatting discrimination in medical education and practice.
I promise to question the present and reflect on lessons from history to push the medical field forward and build a more inclusive and uplifting environment for all.
We acknowledge that health is inseparable from intersecting identities and social factors.
I vow to utilize diversity as a powerful asset in medicine by tailoring my care to honor each patient’s unique lived experiences.
I will embrace the diversity of my fellow providers and stand with and advocate for my colleagues in order to safeguard and ensure their continued health and well-being.
We affirm that all patients deserve compassionate, equitable care that places their needs, values, and personhood at the center. We further acknowledge that compassion is an action that requires a daily commitment.
I vow to actively listen to my patients, respect the privacy of the physician-patient relationship, and empower patients and their support systems to be equal, informed participants in their care.
I pledge to challenge those around me, regardless of rank or tradition, in pursuit of the highest standard of excellence in patient care.
We commit to promoting agency by listening to and amplifying voices within Washington Heights and beyond.
I vow to champion interprofessional collaboration and bolster infrastructures that support the comprehensive well-being of communities beyond the walls of the hospital.
I vow to honor my role as a health advocate by disseminating accurate information and leveraging my medical expertise to help guide the communities I serve.
We recognize that while the socio-political contexts in which we operate may change, our duty to our patients and their communities remains constant.
I vow to embrace my role as a lifelong learner, looking with open eyes and listening with open ears to meet the demands of medicine’s dynamic nature. I promise to practice socially relevant, evidence-based medicine that affirms my patients’ autonomy in the face of these changing landscapes.
Let us bow our heads in recognition of the gravity of this oath; we swear to faithfully engage with these ideals and obligations for the ongoing betterment of medicine and humanity.