New Chair for Pediatrics

Jordan Orange.

A physician-scientist at Baylor University has been named chair of pediatrics at VP&S and pediatrician-in-chief at Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of NewYork-Presbyterian. Jordan Scott Orange, MD, PhD, succeeds Lawrence R. Stanberry, MD, PhD, who chaired pediatrics at Columbia since 2008.

Dr. Orange has been professor and vice chair for research in the Department of Pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston since 2012. Before that, he spent nearly 10 years on the medical faculty of the University of Pennsylvania. At Baylor, Dr. Orange was director of the Pediatrician-Scientist Training and Development Program and chief of immunology, allergy, and rheumatology. At Texas Children’s Hospital, where he was the Louis and Marybeth Pawleek Endowed Chair, he directed the Jeffrey Modell Diagnostic and Research Center for Primary Immunodeficiency and the Center for Human Immunobiology. 

An international leader in pediatric primary immunodeficiency and the immunobiology of human natural killer cells, he has been continuously funded by the NIH and published more than 250 papers.

Dr. Orange received bachelor’s, PhD, and MD degrees from Brown University, trained in pediatrics at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, and completed a clinical fellowship at Boston Children’s Hospital and a research fellowship at Harvard.