Alumni in Print

And Now a World

And Now a World. Jerold M. Lowenstein.

Jerold M. Lowenstein’53 
CreateSpace Independent Publishing, 2014 

Dr. Lowenstein’s latest novel tells the story of Jake Gordon, a physicist embroiled in a murder mystery as soon as he is aboard the USS Albemarle. As he delves further into the pursuit of a possible suspect, he befriends a scientist for Operation Crossroads who eventually extends an offer for Jake to join him in developing a new nuclear weapon. Jake finds himself intrigued by his new friend’s family as he becomes further entangled in the complexity of nuclear warfare in the perennial quest for world peace. 

Sergeant Bill and His Horse Bob

Sergeant Bill and His Horse Bob. Peter E. Dans.

Peter E. Dans’61
Camino Books, 2015

“Sergeant Bill and His Horse Bob” is the latest children’s book by Dr. Dans. The book honors Baltimore’s history by reimagining a beloved public figure. Sergeant Bill was a mounted policeman who directed traffic at one of the country’s busiest intersections on the route from New York to Florida at a time before stoplights, signals, and interstates. Positioning his horse and whistling through his teeth (which could be heard three blocks away), he became a legend among motorists and truckers. Overshadowed by his brother, who was governor of Maryland, he considered himself an “eight ball.” That all changed during a visit from President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his beloved dog, Fala, who jumped from the president’s car into the crowded waterfront in pursuit of a cat. There were no cellphones and it was up to Sergeant Bill and his faithful horse, Bob, to save the day.

House Call

House Call. Daniel C. Bryant.

Daniel C. Bryant’65 
BAM Publish, 2014

In his new collection of short stories, Dr. Bryant pulls inspiration from his medical practice to tease out the complexity and humanity of medicine from the stodgy, prosaic “health care” as reported by the daily news. Dr. Bryant’s characters in “House Call” include a medical student in love, a gay intensivist, an unhinged patient, an internist risking her life to prove herself, an aged doctor with a secret to reveal before he dies, and a terminal patient’s wife jealous of his doctor. Seven of the 13 stories in this collection have appeared in literary magazines, and Dr. Bryant was a finalist in the short fiction category of the 2015 Maine Literary Awards competition. 

Vitreous - in Health and Disease 

Vitreous - in Health and Disease. Jerry Sebag.

Jerry Sebag’79, Editor
Springer, 2014

The second installment of this book, published on the 25th anniversary of Dr. Sebag’s first book on vitreous, includes recent findings of the vitreous body’s biochemistry, structure, physiology, and pathobiology. This work, which has 90 co-authors and 56 chapters, reviews not only the most current scientific and clinical information available, but also considers what is not yet known, framing questions to further unravel the mysteries of the vitreous body within the eye.