Class of 1964 Reaffirms the Hippocratic Oath

Stephen Nicholas, MD, associate dean for admissions, directed the “re-graduation” ceremony of members of the 50th anniversary class at this year’s alumni reunion.
Professor of Pediatrics at P&S and of population and family health at the Mailman School of Public Health and a founder of the International Family AIDS Program, Dr. Nicholas is a pioneer in the care of HIV-infected children and an advocate for the medically underserved. “As associate dean for admissions since 2010,” said Neil Freeman’85 in introducing Dr. Nicholas, “he is also the man who monitors the selection of tomorrow’s P&S students and our future colleagues. So it is fitting that he should supervise the ‘re-graduation’ of the members of the 50th anniversary class.”
Dr. Nicholas invited members of the Class of 1964 to come forward one by one to receive their “re-graduation” certificate, a compilation of remarks from their professors. “We’ve done a little digging on you from your old student records,” he said.
Dr. Nicholas led the members of the class in a recitation of the modernized Hippocratic Oath written by the late Louis Lasagna’47.