P&S Class of 2017 by the Numbers
- 170 students
- 140 MD students
- 14 MD/PhD students
- 4 PhD-to-MD students
- 2 oral and maxillofacial surgery students pursuing a dual degree
- 10 Columbia-Bassett students
- 86 females
- 84 males
- Age range: 20-37
- 36 underrepresented minorities (21%)
- 7,864 total applications through AMCAS
- 7,448 secondary applications
- 6,103 applications for traditional MD program (including 887 from underrepresented minorities)
- 691 applications for Columbia-Bassett track
- 547 applications for the MD/PhD program
- 44 applications for the PhD-to-MD program
- 1,075 interviews conducted (including 170 underrepresented minorities, 72 for Columbia-Bassett, 112 for MD/PhD, and 15 for PhD-to-MD)
- 52% yield
- 72 colleges represented
- 31 states represented
- 4 foreign countries (Canada, China, Korea, and Nigeria) represented
- 1 U.S. commonwealth (Puerto Rico) represented